
One of the supposed advantages of capitalist domination of our economies is that a group of profit seeking elites would at least put their thumb on the scale to stop economic self-owns like Brexit, instead the elites enthusiastically supported it at every juncture.
Excluding actual wars, Brexit is one of the greatest own-goals of all time. Britain and Europe had forged something their finest leaders and intellectuals considered an impossible dream: an alliance of shared prosperity. Then Britain tore it up in a fit of nativist dipshittery.
Still laughing at this British couple I read about who wanted to retire in Spain or something, but they voted for Brexit because they thought it was a joke and wouldn't actually happen.
Ya the rate of pro Brexit voting among UK ex pats living in Spain was way higher than you'd expect it based on like... All those people completely screwing themselves if it passed
and then getting upset when Spain created a path to stabilizing their residence but actually enforced the rules so that if you didn't do the paperwork, you had to leave
I mean the degree of entitlement was INTENSE Sure I think they should have been helped on their path but it was so self inflicted I don’t think they rank high on the list of sympathies
I didn't feel very sorry for them tbh
the point a voting for Brexit was to emphasize how much you were a small-minded bigoted a**hole, not that there was any particularly setup of regulations and policies you preferred
Even worse. I think they believed that Spain would still be begging them to come live in Spain and that Brexit was just going to ban Spaniards from going and living in the UK. They think they are highly prized and sought after additions to everywhere else in the world.