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Reposted byAvatar marie
This tweet has pretty much been stuck in my brain since I saw it. We have countless historical examples that prove it, but no, this time will be different (insert Arrested Development meme here)
the only ads i’m getting on twitter now are republican donation begging, lelo vibes, medical/industrial grade equipment, and barely disguised foot fetish “shoe” ads. absolutely cooked. wish everyone would leave that place
Reposted byAvatar marie
Ah, here's an archived version: "some of these newly “gender critical” Mumsnetters were relatively privileged women who had never felt marginalized until they gave birth and came to feel isolated in their nuclear households and (rightfully!) outraged at the lack of support for mothers in the U.K."
The Road to Terfdom – Lux
Reposted byAvatar marie
This family just has no luck with airplanes at all.
Reposted byAvatar marie
i’m mixed on the deplatforming debate bc it’s not like deplatforming spencer did anything to stop or slow down the confidence of nazis. yeah it’s good he wasn’t financially benefiting but there are thousands of others who will fill the void and media can’t resist the allure of controversy
it's hard to exclusively visit this site bc it feels like so many important voices are still posting shit on the other one. i'm just posting into the void here though so i guess it doesn't really matter that much
coming up on four years of realizing i was trans and wondered if there’s any way cis ppl know how much we gatekeep ourselves when they toss around ideas of us rushing into things
Reposted byAvatar marie
john cusack is way better than anyone would expect politically and also has been posting about being shadowbanned on twitter for like a full week now. i fear there's no way to escape posting madness.
yeah i think this is it for me. i can’t be part of a site that does this.
intrusive thought of the day is that my retirement is gun bc i won’t be able to support myself in my twilight years and that one has no lower age limit. fun
i can tell this site is growing because i'm having to block more and more people who are too dumb for me to ever want to interact with
End of feed.