Brian W.

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Brian W.

Tiki Bars, Cocktails, and Funny Books are my forte.

*Not raised by wolves*
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your phone, but you don’t have to explain it.
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
So a murder of crows, a colony of beavers, a coalition of cheetahs, and a conspiracy of Scoobys?
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Art! From HeroesCon 2017, I’m pretty sure I still owe profuse thanks for absolutely killing it with my request for a Steranko inspired Bucky Cap.
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Don't get too excited, it was Elon himself trying to find a date.
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Make a band less mild Super Nova
Make a band less mild Expensive Trick
Make a band less mild More Baxter
Make a band less mild Nuclear Light Orchestra
With HeroesCon almost here I'm realizing I never shared this piece by and colorist Matt Wilson. Kevin's self published Suicide Sisters is an over the top neo Western which made him such a great match for Vigilante. Wilson's colors skew to Western vistas so again, easy decision.
I've always loved soundtracks. In the pre VCR/DVD/streaming era, it was one of the best ways to capture the feeling of watching a movie again when you couldn't watch the movie. The big problem with soundtracks though - the release dates don't always match when the music was actually released. [1/4]
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Heroes Pre-Show Batman Commission.
There used to be a setting in FB that allowed you to view which of your friends followed certain accounts and boy howdy did that open a can of worms when I looked to see who followed/liked 45.
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One of my favorite throwaway bits in LA Confidential is that Pierce Morehouse Patchett's initials are an abbreviation for what he does EDIT: Deleted and reposted because apparently I can't be trusted with apostrophes while watching LA Confidential.
One of my favorite throwaway bits in LA Confidential is that Pierce Morehouse Patchett's initials are an abbreviation for what he does EDIT: Deleted and reposted because apparently I can't be trusted with apostrophes while watching LA Confidential.
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Commissions for Heroescon are OPEN!
On season two of For All Mankind - tune in for the fun alternate history stuff, stay tuned in for Shantel VanSanten's Karen to just make you cry like a baby.
post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isn’t nirvana or pearl jam or soundgarden or Alice In Chains
I used to think of nostalgia as something I enjoyed when I was younger. Recently though, it finally hit me how certain bands and songs are a snapshot of who I was and who they were and all those thoughts just collide at once and … woof. So yeah. Now I understand nostalgia.
Drinking coffee and listening to Dusty. Not a shabby way to start a Sunday.
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30 years ago today, THE CROW flew in theaters and became in instant Classic. We miss you, Brandon "Eric Draven" Lee 🖤🖤🖤
Man, there really is no easy way to tell a fan that you really do not care about the X-Men, is there?
I'm stressed the hell out and drinking scotch at 4:00. How are you?
I always get excited when I see a band announcement and that they're playing Atlanta. Then I realize that their announcement of "playing Atlanta" means they're playing the Roxy which is no longer in Atlanta, but in Marietta.
With everything else that was going on in the hell that was my teenage years, I'm exceptionally glad no one could travel back in time and tell me I'd still be having to deal with pimples this late in the game.
Just finished a Steve Rogers focused rewatch of the MCU and dang. Yeah, now I know exactly why everything post Endgame has felt so very anticlimactic. Really, how do you follow that up?
You’re robbing a bank. Who’s driving the getaway car?
You've robbed a bank. Who’s driving the Getaway Car?
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New on the Patreon: Bands Reunited - Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen's Left Arm. Originally published in MAD #443 (2004) reprinted in color in 2020. Plus some ruminating on working for MAD. Patreon link in bio. Post unlocked at all tiers, the lowest a mere buck a month. Ten dimes for fun times.