
the fly in the ointment here is that the liberal bloc has previously been 100% on board with the court's project of making it impossible to prosecute political corruption—though the libs dissented here
Not that there weren't reasons to run against the court before, but "The justices who have taking a lot of bribes says it's okay to bribe elected officials" seems like the kind of thing that an average voter can both understand and get mad about
Better late than never. Wish Congress would help. Maybe some bright young interns can crack the code.
Breyer is probably sitting at home kicking himself for retiring early and missing the opportunity to join the conservatives on this.
Are you kidding? Only if you call believing Justices of the Supreme Court had the integrity to not take bribes “on board with the court’s project of making it impossible to prosecute political corruption.”
No, we mean that they signed on to multiple bad opinions making it harder to prosecute politicians for taking bribes.
Which ones? I mean, there’s Citizens United but that’s pretty universally recognized as a shit decision. Is it bad statutes you’re talking about? Because there are lots of those, mainly because of the bipartisan way laws are written. But which SCOTUS cases are you referring to?
The court decided United States vs Sun-Diamond unanimously in 1999, then it decided Skilling v. United States 6-3 in 2010. I bring them up for completionism before moving onto the 2016 case McDonnell vs United States in 2016 which was decided unanimously by the court, with Sotomayor and Kagan
The ability to bribe politicians has been being aggressively expanded with the support of liberal justices for decades.