
Brb, screaming about end users
Also, the only reason I had to do this is cause I made a very silly assumption that our end users would click the button that says "click here when finished" 🙃 they aren't. How silly of me to expect that of them. I love end users so much. They're perfect and don't do anything wrong ever /s
Dev "Expects" something of end users. Oh to be young again.
🥲 this is why I still feel like my "senior software engineer" title was a little premature
Just wait until you get to "Software Architect" but don't do anything different than application support. 😊😣
Wild how they chose 'senior' and not 'hottest' but w/e.
As one of two women in my 7 person company. I can say without a doubt I am the hottest woman, and 2nd hottest employee (our CSM is low key really fckin hot and also bi and lives with his bf)
You haven't lost all hope in humanity yet. You don't deserve it.
Aw! Baby's first kick flip!
I think we would solve a lot of problems in society if we simply criminalized end use
When you spend two months of crunch-time getting a really elaborate feature because it was absolutely 100% life changingly imperative. Only to find out they never used it even six years later. 😟
Put giant red arrows and a red circle around it like a bad yt thumbnail
Love when we literally lie to them about when things will be released because all dates become commitments, even those couched in five layers of “we are not committing this date”