
We're living in the era of the Imperial Supreme Court. One of the reasons I am so strongly in favor of radically expanding the judiciary - and will remain in favor of radical expansion even if both Alito and Thomas are replaced by liberals - is that it will dilute the impact of individual judges.
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
Congress needs to both sharply limit the jurisdiction of article III courts and specifically codify Chevron (and also yesterday's SEC ruling).
Honestly not surprising when you realize the branch that's *supposed* to be the check on the Supreme Court is the legislature, and they haven't been doing their jobs for *decades* now. I don't know why we pretend the branches are coequal - they're not, Congress has power, they just don't use it.
This is why I've come around to replacing permanent sitting justices with rotating panels of judges randomly drawn from the circuit courts. I trust a dozen rando appellate judges over unchecked Fed Soc agents whose dearest wishes are to jet ski with billionaires & limit suffrage to guns & Bibles
I keep thinking of the classical Athenian system. Is 201 too many to wish for? C'mon, they could do it by Zoom or whatever in this day and age. I'm honestly not sure to what degree I'm kidding.
It’s refreshing to hear a lawyer in federal practice recognize the need to rein in the federal judiciary. Since the courts have become so ideological the people should not trust them to step into ideological spaces unless the need is very clear. I want judicial restraint to become a thing again.
The judges should be housed in that geographic district, not DC. Plus add at least 6 & give the Chief a little power to call for a recusal vote.
An imperial SCOTUS that the other branches of government could nix any time they wanted. Except that the other branches seem mostly happy to be relieved of the burden of functionality