
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
Orange Jesus loving Federalist calling DOLLY "False gospel" Those MFers really have no clue, do they?
It's not about not having a clue. It's about being hateful fucks, and trying to come up with some sort of justification for why being generous, loving and kind is unChristian because she makes them look bad and they know it.
They're all about the fire and brimstone but less about the love and forgiveness
Old Testament vengeful God for people they don't like, New Testament forgiving Jesus for themselves and people they like. Very much like the law enforcement and courts they want.
Just FYI, that OT/NT thing is both the Marcionite heresy and an antisemitic trope.
Huh, I'd never thought of it as antisemitic (not arguing with you, just seeing something in a new light). The Christians I grew up around seemed to have so wholly appropriated the Old Testament that I never realized it had any connection to Judaism until I was nearly an adult.
Yeah, the Hebrew Bible is what we just call the Bible. We Jews have a very complex relationship with and understanding of Gd so having someone distill our scripture as “angry, vengeful Gd” is an antisemitic trope that has gotten Jews killed historically.