
Have you considered all those cheat codes developers have included in their games for so many decades were actually Hitler? Really makes you think.
A bit of context: this is in reply to a game adding a "no death" option, something we've plainly had in video games in one version or another since the goddamn Konami code.
In this case what they're referring to as an "indicator" of something bad, something they put alongside Nazis and the KKK, is giving people the option to turn off death in a video game. Which is apparently a totally new thing we've never had ever in the history of the Nintendos.
There's no way they didn't make this post without a specific example they were making reference to... right? Was there something they were calling out, or were they making reference to a problem that didn't exist?
Any feature that respects the time of the audience is a good one. Save anywhere, cheat codes, anything that lets everybody participate in the experience no matter what their circumstances. Otherwise it's like being shut out of a movie because you had to go to the bathroom.
No-Death as accessibility feature is just a good inclusion and Gamers(tm) need to touch grass.
Any cutscene that only gives you the options to sit through the whole fucking thing or skip it entirely is like challenging me to a fistfight.
Any game dev that includes a 20+ minute cutscene that you can't pause is a sign of an overworked employee because they haven't seen their children in so long they forgot what it's like to have a kid in the house.
The cutscene handling in Catherine is an S class example of game design.
That moment of early game anxiety where you gingerly move your finger to the equivalent of the "start" button, hoping it doesn't skip the cutscene but pauses it. Some games are nice enough to bring up commands if you move the analogue stick. And those games are the best games.
Any game dev that includes a 20+ minute cutscene that you can't pause is a sign of an overworked employee because they haven't seen their children in so long they forgot what it's like to have a kid in the house.
Or a cat (posted after coming back from running downstairs to see what that crash was).
Or, heck, forgot what it was like to BE a kid. Parent: "Supper's ready! Come eat!" Kid: "But I'm in the middle of an unpausable cutscene!" Parent: "If your butt's not in this chair in 5 minutes..."
I used to be against the idea of the yellow outline around Crash's shadow when jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4. THEN I actually played it and realized they shifted his weight around and I was missing so many jumps without it. Accessibility options are a damn boon and I have learned this.
And that is the real root of the problem, it is: Chuds putting their mouth where they won't put their money and insisting on this one linear experience where you HAVE to Git Gud™ or you're not a True Gamer™. No cheats, no items, Fox Only, Final Destination, European Extreme difficulty only.
I remember when one of the Metal Gear games had a 90 minute cutscene, and people were saying critics had no attention span, as if people sit down to play games and block out hours of time just in case they hit a feature length movie right before bedtime.
Wait until this TRUE GAMER finds out we used to annually print out several editions of what he would consider "Gaming's Mein Kampf"
Ah the most holy codex I even enjoyed the picross puzzles they started including
Not bad for a side-hustle of Hustler, huh?
That's totally nuts, wow. O.o I thought that they had something here but apparently no they do not.
No-Death as accessibility feature is just a good inclusion and Gamers(tm) need to touch grass.
Fuck that sounds like the people who argue that #TTRPGs "must" have character death as a possibility, because something something verisimilitude, something "no risk".
Context somehow makes it even less coherent.
Okay, I repeat, "What the shit" but in a different context.
I wish I'd known back in the mega drive days that invincibility cheats were nazi coded. Of course, someone would've had to explain nazis first, I was six. Can't believe KKKool Spot got away with it really.
I wonder how these "gamers" would react if we brought back lives, continues and game overs? Imagine if you had 3 lives and 3 continues (9 lives total) in, I dunno Dark Souls 1 and when you used all of those up, you were thrown back into the tutorial area and had to start over? They'd cry *so* hard
Where do these Alpha Male Gamers think the term "God Mode" came from?
And there's the blue check, of course
The deeper down the gamer culture rabbit hole you go, the fewer brain cells there are to be found.
lol. The NES port of Rampage pretty much had a “no death” option as long as you hit the button before your de-monsterized character left the screen
Wait, so if I have this right, they're saying a 'no-death' feature is equivalent to the Klan?