Darryl Mott

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Darryl Mott


Freelance columnist on tabletop games and roleplaying games (credits: EN World, Ain't It Cool News, Zombie Orpheus), video producer/streamer (Gamer's Tavern Media), and podcast editor/producer (EN Live, Scary Basement, Gamer's Tavern). Opinions are my own.
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Oh my god YouTube, if I want to see breaking news I look at the news app, not the kittens and music videos app
Oooh, that's a deep cut...
We here at The Doctor Demento Show would like to express our sincerest apologies for today's program. When we invited Tom Lehrer on the show, it was in hopes of having a frank and honest exchange of ideas about local avian fauna. The last thing we would condone is hate speech, and as such, his comme
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There was already a ton of terrible advice for new game writers out there, but AI has made it so much worse. I saw an article yesterday that advised emphasizing creativity over skill in your application and just...NO. Ideas are cheap. Turning those ideas into games people can play requires skill
Huh. Apparently, a TTRPG company nominated for the ENNIES sent out an email to customers saying if they send a screenshot showing you voted for them in the ENNIE Awards, you get a $10 credit in their store. So literally buying votes...
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Apparently StickerMule decided to go full mask-off N*zi this morning. (I haven’t gotten their emails since 2016) So if you have a favorite sticker manu you wanna share, drop them links! StickerApp.com Diecutstickers.com Stickerninja.com
True! We use stickerapp for our stickers, now, but have had good luck with diecutstickers and stickerninja, too.
Print custom stickers and labelsstickerapp.com Make your own custom stickers, and labels. Express delivery as fast as 2-4 business days. Get an instant proof and free shipping!
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my lawyer friends posting on LinkedIn about what's going vs how this whole thing definitely looks to me as a non-lawyer
Nice thing that happened: Our front porch has been on the verge of collapse for months due to damage. We've been trying to find contractors to fix it which is hard to afford since Mom works for the school and we're about to lose her income for a month (there's a happy ending just wait)...
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Reposted byAvatar Darryl Mott
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
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Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.
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the general vibe at the moment
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I’m going to say something that’ll make a lot of people angry, and if you can’t handle the hard truth, then unfollow me… Every once in a while, a Pepsi is nice.
This one wasn't near me (we just got some rain and a bit of wind), but I've lived through storm damage like this before. It can take days or weeks for things to "get back to normal" for power, water, etc. But it still takes MONTHS or even YEARS to repair all the damage.
I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
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I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
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ZOMG. FINALLY. Senators Cantwell, Blackburn, and Heinrich have stepped up and written legislation to stop AI from stealing creators’ work without permission. As Cass Morris says, call your Congress Critters!
Remember the old saying, if you can't say anything n̶i̶c̶e̶ that won't get you put on a watchlist, don't say anything at all.
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I keep harping on this: They didn't press him on Gaza or student loans or even legalized marijuana, things voters are incredibly invested in and motivated by. But they just would *not* drop this "HE'S OLD AND NEEDS TO QUIT" drama because that's what it was: high school drama. It sucks.
the brunchlord reporter class is circling the wagons, and don't understand why people are criticizing their choice of running 7000 single anonymous source "Biden is old" stories to every story about infrastructure policy or the fact we're staring down the loaded barrel of full bore fascism
Joe Biden’s Cynical Turn Against the Presswww.newyorker.com After a wave of intense scrutiny, the President and his campaign have begun to target the media, and many of his supporters have followed suit.
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Reposted byAvatar Darryl Mott
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
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I know the takeaway is supposed to be “oh no crime” but a gang of thieves that exclusively steals rich people’s fancy watches at high-end restaurants both: 1. is not an issue most people need to worry about, and 2. sounds like the work of a Batman villain called Clockface or something
Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. Restaurantswww.nytimes.com In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.
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Happy Thursday, wastelanders! It's time to play Fallout 4 with the Weapon Du Jour! Last time was the *insane* Baseball Launcher ... what will we roll today? twitch.tv/radiodeadair
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What? No it wasn't. A bunch of people warned about exactly this, before it happened, and then AS IT WAS HAPPENING. People just… kept pretending that the dude who conned them hadn't conned them and was, in fact, a super genius, instead of taking the fucking L and holding him anything like accountable
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They rebranded nepotism as meritocracy.
How did all our dumbest people end up as CEOs?
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Seeing somebody make a post about some closed captions that got fucked up due to AI, knowing that a legitimate caption file exists that they damn well could have used instead of the AI because I WROTE THEM 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
My Internet has been down since about 4 am and I'm at a loss for what to do with myself.