
UK folks: London hospital ransomware attack is causing them to rapidly deplete their supply of O- (and to some extent, O+) blood. If you have type O blood, please consider donating ASAP.
Going after a fucking hospital ought to be treated like a terrorist attack, and given the harshest possible penalties.
That's English folks, blood services are devolved so we can't help with this in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland (mind you, donating blood is always worth doing)
Ransomware attackers should suffer the most severe consequences when their actions are aimed at schools, hospitals, etc.
1. That's horrible. 2. There are only 25 blood donation centers in England?
That's just the administration centres. "Where to donate - NHS Give Blood You can give blood at thousands of donation venues across England, from permanent donor centres to pop-up community venues." After donating twice, they suggested I not come back. I drip very, very slowly. 😢