Meat Sweats Enthusiast

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Meat Sweats Enthusiast

No plan only bad posts. Teacher, Cat Owner, Lover of shitty movies, TTRPG’s, Warhammer models, Weird beer. (He/Him) Trans Rights are Human Rights. Randomly capitalizing Words.
Be right back, about to do unspeakable things to this breakfast sandwich
Fourth of July? Fuck it. It’s Thursday dudes.
Denzel and Jason Statham team up for a Beekeeper/Equalizer crossover movie. The Beequalizer.
I like that some of those pulpy 90’s sensibilities are coming back into anime with addition of more diverse casts of characters. I’d love an AD Police or Ninja Scroll revival
#weebwednesday time! You know the drill - quote-skeet your weebiest takes. No racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's get it on!
The mean baby has come to collect the scritch tax.
Google is the biggest example of a zombie company I can name. A corporation where all operational decisions are driven by stock price despite the visible decay of its products quality and functionality that rests on the vast market share they have already acquired when they were a living business.
Google is just straight up getting less functional and I don't mean that search returns a bunch of garbage, I mean that searching my Gmail inbox doesn't work right, when I click on links they sometimes freeze instead of forwarding, etc.
Trump 2025: I’m going to become a dictator. Biden 2025: Somebody should really do something about that.
I have nothing against the streamer community. I just think they should leave kids alone.
I know we're all tired, but please CALL YOUR REPS. The Kids Online Safety Act is still a super dangerous bill that would censor social media and endanger your privacy online. The GOP supports it because they can use it to drive LGBTQIA+ people off the internet. Please keep calling!
The House has just announced that they will move forward with a Congressional markup of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act, which will lead to privacy-invasive online age verification for social media.
Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 11 The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and is vested with the broadest jurisdiction of any congressional authorizing com...
Beginning to think that maybe being kinda good at Call of Duty isn’t necessarily the sign of a good person
everyone in power has failed these poor kids so spectacularly
What a kicker. “Since the attack, there have been more than 4,200 mass shootings in the United States, including several dozen at schools”
Sandy Hook survivors graduate from high school - BBC Around 60 students who witnessed the killing of their classmates will receive their diplomas.
Watching the new Dan Olsen video. I was never a big AVGN guy but I’m impressed by Dan’s wizardly beard.
Be the Drake Diss Track you want to hear in the world
The new DnD Players Handbook introduces a new class; the Fungler. A support class that throws garbage at enemy monsters and sweats profusely.
The FTC is not trying to quash this ability or regulate how you use it. The FTC is standing between you and those who want to exploit this ability, in order to get more of your money, valuable data, and control over your life.
The gaming industry is being managed into the ground
EA layed off about 670 workers this past year, and with $60 million you could pay each one of them a salary of nearly $90k/yr. so these people lost their jobs so the execs could pocket a few million in bonuses!
Your body is a Wonderland, it’s just the American McGee version
Harlan: Hey Clarence, you got that big corporate tax case coming up right? *Clarence Thomas picks a piece of succulent sushi off Harlan Crow’s naked body laying in front of him* Clarence: Don’t worry Harly, just keep the spicy salmon rolls coming.
If God had a Monster Manual, and you could read your own stat block in it, what would it say? #DnD
Enjoying Hell’s Paradise. Finally an anime that dares ask “Can a ninja be a wife guy?”
What if we kissed…by the Starrcade Gate?
got my vaporwave EP cover on lock
I miss extremely detailed and long technical scenes of futuristic machines powering up or assembling themselves around anime protagonists
Ok friends, it's #weebwednesday once again! Where does the time go? You know the drill - quote-skeet with your best weeb takes, no racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's do this!
Pronouncing New Zealand musical sensation’s Lorde’s name with emphasis on the E just to sow chaos.