
Donors coming out saying they’re mad because biden didn’t recognize theyre just a smol birthday boy is pretty funny ngl
It's pretty fuckin' pathetic watching everyone nod along with these, the most insulted of petty tyrants, as they try to actively destroy one of the most progressive presidents in modern history.
I can't wait for leftists to rally behind the guy who tells the rich power brokers to pound sand.
I'm just a leftist, once again asking other leftists why they aren't supporting the most pro-union President since FDR as he's attacked by a bunch of truly awful billionaires
As for me, I'm just shaking my head and wondering what it is some leftists have to gain by letting Trump.
Iunno, it probably has something to do with all the horrible policies he's done, and also no leftist is actually "letting Trump" do anything, most of us are against the entire system and think that it should be dismantled, but also that in this system that we have Joe Biden is clearly doing poorly.
Which policies. This was a thing before 10/7
Yeah, he's had bad policies since before 10/7. Most people I know have lives that are measurably worse, yet we're constantly told the economy is doing great. Nevermind the fact that his plummeting approval is not, unfortunately, for the genocide in the first place.
People were pointing out how much he fucking sucked even back in 2016. Do you think his border policy or the fact that he actually is helping build Trump's wall is related to the Palestine conflict? Do you think the ineffectual opposition to the destruction of Roe or trans health is 10/7 related?
Best union president of our lifetimes, best economics president ever, first president to take significant action on climate. The alternative is someone who wants to round you up and put you in a camp.
A lot of leftists somehow believe liberals are gleefully wishing for them to be put in the camps, but don't they realize that's not what the latter folks truly want at all?
some people get really gross with the camps stuff but importantly quoting trump and saying this is what’s at stake is not threatening someone with camps, that would be trump.
Not the threat but the warning. In 2016, when we warned that the Supreme Court was at risk, we heard similar objections. I haven't seen many mea culpas since.
there’s even an abject rejection to the idea people fucked up by not voting for her like sorry but her campaign fucking up or being a poor candidate and failing to persuade them doesnt mean they didn’t also fail to be persuaded
In 1947 Rákosi had to cheat to "win" at the elections. For all intents and purposes that's the official story. The whole story is that while people were taught to hate communists, it's also true that farmers and christian parties wanted the old regime
So while people didn't outright support commies they also didn't want the old world back. That and misogyny against women candidates.
also does anybody entertain the idea that a camp-building right will be able to tell the difference between leftists and liberals?
Absolutely not. They can't even distinguish the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality.
i mean in fairness most bi and pansexual people also struggle there
(just light ribbing this isn’t serious)
I have literally seen people gleefully telling minorities that they deserve the camps if they don't vote for Biden, and even that criticizing Biden is helping him lose and deserves the same punishment. People who voted for Hillary and will vote for Biden are harassed for not praising him.
I'm not going to deny that some liberals are cruel and spiteful enough to do this, but do you really believe every single one of them wants to see leftists suffer and die all because of political disagreements that are not as major when collectively contrasted with the far right?
In 2020 Biden was my 5th choice, after Cory Booker, Kamala, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg. But then , like now, it's an emergency. Get rid of wannabe Mussolini and we'll do better next time.
The time for doom and gloom was a week ago before the supreme Court gave trump the authority to murder ALL of us without consequence. Kamala Harris is the president either in November, or shortly after innaguration. Do not give them an inch.
Also the vibe needs to be happy warrior. evil at the gates, hard times at home. But we are too blessed to stress. She's got the vibe we need rn. Fun, thoughtful leader. AND SHE IS THE SITTING VICE PRESIDENT. We literally just have to get stoked about her. That's it.
I was doom and gloomy about also. It one giant disturbing
I don't care if it's every single one of them. Plenty have no problem when that shit happens under Democrats. And will get angry if you point out that Democrats are doing it.
If he's the best economics president then why does everyone's quality of life seem worse? The man forced us to go back to work during a fucking plague. Also it is wild to me that Humble Novice says no one does the camps thing but here you are doing it.
Motherfucker, "vote for our guy because the other one will put you in the camps" is not appealing. You have a gun to my head. You are literally threatening me. What the fuck do you think some disabled Portlandser tranny is going to accomplish by voting for Biden?
I cannot help this man win. Nothing I do will change the course of this election. Pretending like this election will be lost because of leftists who just want to burn it all down is delusional and at odds with reality. He is running Hilary 2016 except he's also dying while doing it.
Clinton's loss was due to sexism, racism, bad press, and bad luck, in that order, with sexism far and away the biggest factor. The media, entirely captured by the far right, is what is most likely to cost the Democrats the Presidency. Still, I don't see any reason to help the media out.
Clinton's loss was because she had a "my turn" attitude, didn't bother campaigning in key locations because she thought she was a shoe-in, and worst of all intentionally propping Trump up because she thought he would be easy to defeat. She was extremely unpopular, not due to sexism.
are you…trans? cuz i a disabled tranny that literally got housed by his policies while homeless a year and 1 week ago have some Questions about using that term if not
Why would I call myself a tranny if I weren't trans?
well that’s good to know, as for the gun to your head that would be trump not biden is the thing.
It isn't. Employment is up, inflation is down. And, no I'm not happy with the "back to work" stuff, but Trump is antivax and antimask.
The highest growing sector is the gig economy. Maybe if everyone feels like things cost too much, that's a sign that the economy isn't doing good regardless of what the grafts say.
Except that people are spending more. Would they do that if matters were as you say? This has been looked at over and over. When people are interviewed they say they're doing well but the country isn't.
The demographic of people who will answer a phone survey is doing well, but since neither I nor the people in my circles are that demographic, I would like if you stopped telling me that actually things are better than ever as the people I love cry themselves to sleep and I have to beg for money.
I can't judge your situation (and I sympathize.) I can tell you that the economic data is not generated by telephone polls,
the reason things cost so much is poor people got paid more and global supply chain shocks mixed with corporate greed. currently there’s a ftc doj criminal investigation into grocery store and quasi grocers like target price fixing
the guy didn’t force people to go back to work what? do you get that ie the cdc can’t even mandate masks anymore or that scotus ruled the rent and student loan moratorium were beyond their authority?
No one here is really saying that, you know. Also, why are you solely blaming everything on Biden when companies are the ones raising their prices?
Because this is the man you are telling me is going to save me while I am sitting here on fire being pissed on. I'm done with this. I don't have the spoons. Biden is going to lose and you're going to blame Berniebros or some shit because he couldn't convince Michigan he was good for the economy.
Your boss ordered you back to work during the plague, you jackass. Luckily Biden’s America is one where you can find a new job just about anywhere!