
Donors coming out saying they’re mad because biden didn’t recognize theyre just a smol birthday boy is pretty funny ngl
It's pretty fuckin' pathetic watching everyone nod along with these, the most insulted of petty tyrants, as they try to actively destroy one of the most progressive presidents in modern history.
I can't wait for leftists to rally behind the guy who tells the rich power brokers to pound sand.
I'm just a leftist, once again asking other leftists why they aren't supporting the most pro-union President since FDR as he's attacked by a bunch of truly awful billionaires
As for me, I'm just shaking my head and wondering what it is some leftists have to gain by letting Trump.
Their priors getting validated
Iunno, it probably has something to do with all the horrible policies he's done, and also no leftist is actually "letting Trump" do anything, most of us are against the entire system and think that it should be dismantled, but also that in this system that we have Joe Biden is clearly doing poorly.
No leftist is saying "let Trump win". What we are saying is "I am not going to help Biden win because of genocide, etcetera" and "Biden is very demonstrably doing terrible and should make efforts to enact popular policies instead of the unpopular and Trumpian ones if he wants to win".
He did those, most leftists didnt care/notice. ppl complained about $600 checks while most families were receiving $300 per kid per month. Like ppl still say he fucked over the railroads. The idea that leftists would rally behind him if he adopted good policies is not supported by the past 4 years
If he had enacted popular policies then his disapproval would not be at 57.1%, which is a hair under Trump's disapproval at its highest. The notion that we all are simply demanding ponies while living in a booming economy is completely delusional and at odds with lived experience.
I am a socialist who was demanding some pretty big ponies like massive climate action, anti-monopoly action, a radical pro-union agenda, and then *he did those things and earned the fuck out of my vote*, and I'm tired of fake leftists pretending it all just didn't happen so they can stay cynical
A majority of people say they're doing well or excellently. But a majority also thinks everyone else is struggling & things are getting worse. Why would they respond approvingly to popular policies if they think people are still suffering?
Over 70% of Americans say the economy's bad, while their own finances are good, poll There's evidence that Americans' view of the overall economy is entwined with partisanship.
Every time I think you've said the dumbest thing possible, you go ahead & prove me wrong. You clearly know very little about Biden's actual policies, much less his battles w/ GOP obstructionists and the refusal of news media to report accurately on Biden's policies. So why assume public knows more?
Which policies. This was a thing before 10/7
Yeah, he's had bad policies since before 10/7. Most people I know have lives that are measurably worse, yet we're constantly told the economy is doing great. Nevermind the fact that his plummeting approval is not, unfortunately, for the genocide in the first place.
People were pointing out how much he fucking sucked even back in 2016. Do you think his border policy or the fact that he actually is helping build Trump's wall is related to the Palestine conflict? Do you think the ineffectual opposition to the destruction of Roe or trans health is 10/7 related?
there’s nothing the president can do to protect roe from scotus gutting it if you wanna say abortions on federal land/bases in red states yeah that’s a terrible idea i am trans and hes enacted trans protections, some of which trump judges gutted, and his doj appealed every red state shit law
Best union president of our lifetimes, best economics president ever, first president to take significant action on climate. The alternative is someone who wants to round you up and put you in a camp.
Biden's already doing a lot of good for immigrants, but it's probably not enough for you, is it? We could send you articles of him passing executive actions that do help people, but you'd most likely ignore it anyway.
He did not even run for president in 2016. What is wrong with you?
"Most people you know" doesn't apply to those who actually did benefit from his policies. We've even had people who saw their student debts undone thanks to Biden.
i am trans was homeless a year ago and make below poverty and i greatly benefited from his admins policies