
Justice Roberts refused to testify in a hearing on Supreme Court ethics. Thomas secretly accepted gifts from a GOP megadonor and his wife was involved in Jan 6. Alito flew not one, but two insurrectionist flags. The list goes on. Is it any wonder Americans don't trust SCOTUS?
The Robert's court sought to prove that the law as a concept, absent the dominating physical and economic power to either enforce it or fight it, is an illusion and succeeded. Though, that also proved their illegitimacy and redundancy at the same time, so not sure how that's going to play out.
Or Kavanaugh debts paid by benefactor. Or whatever subversive Christian nationalism role-play cult acb is in.
Time to have a nationwide, peaceful protest
these justices? These justices are corrupt thugs who no longer belong on this court; as well as corrupt Roberts. We NEED MORE DEMOCRATS put in office of both houses for majorities to DEAL WITH OUR ... 2
Let’s not forget the sweet job Robert’s wife has re SCOTUS
We not only don’t trust SCROTUS We loathe this set of fascist religious freaks.
I stopped after Bush V Gore
Pardon me for saying, but aren't we all getting more than a little bit tired of just venting our outrage on Social Media? Can't we on the Democratic Left actually Do something?😐 😐 (($; -)}™
Call your senators and demand they impeach them. If people descended on the supreme Court steps or their were mass strikes, things would change. There's no appetite for that though.
AND WHY is Congress doing nothing about this? WHY is Chief Justice Roberts NOT answering to Congress, to the American People on WHY HIS COURT is out of control and no longer working to uphold the US Constitution, the laws of this Nation and integrity of ... 1
Psst... 🤐 They don't care 🤫
It is a corrupt court and needs to be abolished.
Corruption at the highest court levels . Shame on this country
RAT PROBLEM. Otherwise, it will breed & continue until WE, the people, have nothing left. November, votes the GOP RATS OUT. ... 3