Rob Breymaier

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Rob Breymaier

I can't even imagine just spouting lies constantly like Trump. It requires a level of self-delusion and disdain for others that shouldn't be humanly possible.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
Hearing from housing counseling agencies of a significant increase in foreclosures within the next 6 to 9 months. A lot of lower income homeowners are about to become renters in a tight market. We should also be on the lookout for an increase in private equity purchases of single family homes.
Roland Garros : French Open :: Willis Tower : Sears Tower
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We now have a website.
Tell your friends about &udm=14
So happy to see that the Redress Movement has adopted the neighborhood typologies very similar to the ones I've been using for 20 years now. You can check it out by looking at their anti-segregation toolbox.
I know a lot of people who are not moving/have not moved because of this very reason. They're lucky to have bought at historically low rates really, but also frustrated.
Great news from the #USCensus regarding how race and ethnicity will be collected. The two questions will be combined beginning almost immediately. It will allow for folks to choose multiple categories.
Imagine an entire party who's policies are based not on ideas or on what is best but just on a decision that they are against whatever the other party is for. Inside the Republican Attacks on Electric Vehicles
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
The researchers “found that, as language models grow, covert racism increases. Ethical guardrails, they learned, simply teach language models to be more discreet about their racial biases.”
As AI tools get smarter, they’re growing more covertly racist, experts ChatGPT and Gemini discriminate against those who speak African American Vernacular English, report shows
Avatar love when I get the purple first. Connections Puzzle #227 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
Important new research clearly demonstrating one major cause of the pedestrian fatality crisis in the US: Tall hoods. SUVs and trucks are associated with much higher rates of pedestrian deaths.
My new paper, The effect of front-end vehicle height on pedestrian death risk, was just published at #Economics of #Transportation. I use vehicle design measurements to test for the effect of taller vehicles on pedestrian outcomes in crashes.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
The election results were certified by all 50 states, by officials of both parties. Challenges were denied by judges, again of all different parties, including the Supreme Court Trump himself packed. To the extent that *any* social fact is objectively true, the election result is objectively true.
I think we should teach our children to identify sociopathic behavior. And one way to identify it is to explain to them that sociopaths are almost always extremely charming.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
The post also details all the fixed-guideway urban rail & bus projects that opened in 2023. And you can explore all the data on your own using Transit Explorer, the interactive website of transit lines & stations globally.
The Transport Politic - Transit Explorer Transit Explorer is a map of existing transit, plus under construction and planned projects around the world.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
Beijing had no metro in 1970. Its subway system is now 5 times as long as Chicago's L
Here's a fun error on the CBC web site. French and English version combined.
Other than Al Jazeera and the BBC do folks have recommendations for non-American, English-language, world-news-covering websites?
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
My essay situating Atlanta's Residential Security maps within the city's longer history of segregationist policy is up on Mapping Inequality's new and improved site. Looking forward to exploring the other essays and many new features
Mapping Redlining in New Deal America
I'm surprised and a little disappointed that this song and its album are not on any best of lists for 2023.
CAFHA's complaint is fundamental to ending segregation in Chicago. Glad to see HUD make that clear in plain language. Aldermanic prerogative has been a tool perpetuating segregation for over half a century. Housing segregation is the root cause of metropolitan inequity.
Chicago wrongly limited affordable housing with aldermanic prerogative, HUD Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration is being asked to enter talks for an “informal resolution” of an almost five-year civil rights investigation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De...
Has anyone brought this to your timeline yet today?
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
Transformation of travel in Paris has been rapid: —Car traffic down 45% since 2001 —Bike use doubled since last year on major axes at peak hours —Bike use higher than car use on many roads This was enabled by massive installation of cycleways citywide
Reposted byAvatar Rob Breymaier
The New York Times writes a letter to Senator Cotton. "In fact, you are merely parroting disinformation harvested from the Internet based on a website that has conceded it had no evidence for its claims."
The Times went nearly full pitchbot.
Good News! Pro Choice Wins Again!
If you like cricket at all, what India is doing at this World Cup is amazing to watch.