
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
Yes! My posts this morning have a doomer-y vibe because I am very distressed by all this, but the implication should always be that we should take drastic action now. The abyss is right there but we have time to avoid it.
All in on this. But how? Voting for Biden isnt enough. Same SCTOUS is there. Voting down ballot is great. Winning seats is great. SCOTUS is still there.
Well, the President can officially declare six SCOTUS Justices traitors and do what he sees fit with them.
What exactly IS the process to get a member of SCOTUS removed from office? They aren’t elected. And they serve for life. And they get to decide what parts of the Constitution they want to enforce. Kinda seems like they hold more power than they should.
In theory Congress could impeach them, but Congress has been happily ceding its powers in order to advance partisan interests
And Dick Durbin, whose responsibility it would be to start that process, doesn't have the spine to even write a sternly worded letter. He called Thomas to Congress to maybe explain his shit, and Thomas was like "lol no" and Durbin just let it go