Jenn Burke

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Jenn Burke

K-8 librarian, reader and word lover, mother of 2 strong woman. Power tool user, birder, crafter, pit bull mom, Girl Scout member for life. Reads the instructions first before watching how-to videos. She/her.
My dog is weird. I don’t often listen to music. I’m playing a soundtrack CD. She is barking at the voices 🙄
I forget stuff all the time. I’m a 60+ yo school librarian with 800 students and sometimes I mix up their names. I can’t remember what year my 30-something daughters graduated from high school. Leaders like Biden surround themselves with smart advisors we can trust. #RidingwithBiden.
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The Google car just drove by and I didn’t realize it so I missed the chance to be ridiculous for posterity.
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these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
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If we had both Houses of Congress we could do something about it. Congress can expand the court.
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No one is coming to save us. We need to build working-class power, we need to build a movement that can crush fascism, we need to organize like never before. Because we don't have a democracy to save, but we do have one to build from the ground up.
The Supreme Court just legalized Presidential Fighting back is more important than ever.
Only 21 more days ‘til teacher back to school. I have taken time for relaxing while being “productive” (I.e., one day I potted some houseplants). I’ve also made lists of things to do and buy next year, like #library books mentioned on #kidlit posts.
Many ignorant comments begin with “we didn’t used to have…” But there are also useful comments, like “we didn’t used to have” things like environmental protections, or 40-hr work weeks, or kindergarten, or food safety standards. Things that improve health and well being.
I’m happy that my granddaughter’s bedtime routine includes a story after her bath. However last night she was not interested in me reading and just wanted to be rocked. Also my daughter and SIL checked the monitor to make sure I’d put her in her crib because they know I like to hold her.
Timeline cleanser: relax and recharge.
Living in “ground zero” for last night’s debate was a bit concerning. Lots of random street noise even with the street blocked off by cop cars. And, I cleaned up evidence of a potentially violent anti-Biden rally in the neighborhood park this morning.
I noticed the other day while walking my dog that there’s another #Littlefreelibrary several blocks over with empty shelves. I can fix that…
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I did a lot of overthinking before I hung a pride flag this year. I’m a 60+yo cis woman with privilege and no Fs to give, so I can’t imagine how much courage it takes for the LGBTQ+ community to live out and proud. Y’all are strength & power.
My daughter had a childhood friend who died when they were 14. They often climbed a tree in the neighborhood park, so she got a tree tattoo with the GPS coordinates when she was old enough. I just noticed the city has recently cut down the tree.
Things I’ve learned watching reality TV: always have your fishing license with you. Google new online “friends.” Don’t accept rando DMs and friend requests. Don’t bring your “friend’s” suitcase on the plane to deliver to his “uncle” as a favor. You’re welcome.
GA Power is telling us to unplug electric devices when not in use to conserve energy, but I doubt they’re talking about toasters and dishwashers.
The tree in my front yard seems filled with squeaky toys. (Actually tiny birds)
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I saw 2 cybertrucks in the wild yesterday. If there are a limited number of them, what does that say about Atlanta? Also, Teslas used to be rare, now they’re everywhere. Makes me think that the price/cool factor is going down since “everyone” has one now.
I watched The National Geographic documentary “Clotilda: The Return Home” on Disney+ / Hulu on Monday, June 17. It’s not my story, but it’s an important story to tell. #Juneteenth
Librarians who believe in and teach copyright and intellectual property should disavow using AI. I said what I said.
The RNs let me row yesterday in my cardio rehab class if I promised to be good and go slow. I behaved. Next - slow elliptical. (There is backstory but most folks probably don’t need to hear it. But I’m doing well!)
I’m waiting for my daughter to drop off her baby for the day. Normally she and hubs work from home so I can just drop in for a bit, but today they have office days. It’s her first time ever dropping off, and she’s 40min late for work, and I feel that pain - I know she’s feeling frantic.