
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
it is still shocking to me how much of this is said out loud and how little broad attention it gets
this is probably a sign of how naive I am, a simple midwesterner who can be shocked by political things in 2024
No it's awful. The denial is at a fever pitch.
The problem is that every media outlet is dedicated to horse race controversy bullshit that treats the right as if it's an inevitable and uncontrollable force of nature. We have 10 articles a day about Biden flubbing the first 15 minutes of a debate, but maybe 1 or 2 total dealing with "black jobs"
And we're all too busy entertaining and even repeating Republican cries of "Biden Must Step Down" to focus on the real issue of Republicans admitting their evil acts in public and the media refusing to cover them with sufficient gravitas.
And yet, no calls in the MSM for the convicted felon Donald Trump to drop out of the race....🤔' (Well, the Philadelphia Inquirer did, so God bless 'em)
While left-wing anti-Biden outlets have made the totally not surprising choice to ignore the SCOTUS Immunity Decision or Project 2025 completely. Jacobin hasn't done a single thing about the Court's decision to make Trump above the law.
To be fair they have one article where they mention Project 2025, in a piece about how Dems aren't criticizing Trump's embrace of fossil fuels enough
That last paragraph right there. Meanwhile I met up with a friend the other day and the subject of the debate came up and the first thing out of their mouth was "wtf is a black job?" People who heard it are understandably angry, but those who didn't would never find it out about it from the media.
The immunity ruling by SCOTUS really ripped it for me. We are in imminent danger
I don’t call it naivety, I call it being a decent human being.
it’s getting drowned by biden old, same way all of trump’s deficiencies got drowned by hillary emails
Democrats are serious business, Republicans are the weather
i've been losing my mind over this ever since chris rufo started just openly tweeting out his game plans. and it just didn't matter! people were still somehow falling for it! AAAaaAAaaAaAaAA
They're a cancer in the most literal sense. They do not trigger the political immune system because they believe that the same people who have always benefited from the status quo should continue to do so. They only have a problem with anyone who has made gains in the last 200 years.
But, have you considered that Biden is old? The news media must cover this vital story!
Don’t forget her emails!🙄
I do not care if Biden is old. Trump is also old. However Trump wants to be a king!
But have you considered Biden old? Perhaps we need to have the newspapers write and cable TV talk about Biden old! Surely there's nothing else worth talking about!
It’s like on “Pinky and the Brain” when someone sees Brain and asks him what he’s doing and says something like “Actually I’m a lab mouse bent on world domination,” and they just let him go. It’s called “refuge in audacity,” and fascists love it.
We’re sleep walking into fascism. I wonder if that’s how it’s always worked or if our weird balkanized new media islands have made it possible for people to just choose their own reality.
There’s this weird rationalization that if people are saying awful things publicly that means they don’t really mean them and it’s just performative Instead of the truth, which is that they say these things because they’re proud of their beliefs and see few risks in telling other people about them
It's a whole bunch of big talking bystanders going "something must be done about it! You do it" "no you"
I wish everything I did was greeted with such generous interpretations
I watched the whole clip hoping maybe something was taken out of context but nope
where would we be without media matters. seriously
And if dems lose the election I’d guess soon afterward we would no longer have Media Matters.
honestly it is getting sued at least partly out of existence already
Now that the DOJ is officially the president's revenge squad, who's going to ask the tough questions at press conferences? (Oh, wait, I'm assuming there will still be press conferences.)
It is actually pretty scary. I'm fighting just total freezing up from fear. Like where do we even begin to fight this?!
In fact I think one of the reasons that they're pushing so hard for all of this is that outside of efforts like these, the GOP would be on the cusp of becoming irrelevant at the national level
The enabling by national media and a disinterested public plus the “all in” strategy ever since Trump’s cured the non in 2016, it’s all the same single push.
not on the cusp even. without the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and electoral college itself, they'd've been irrelevant for a decade or two already. they never win actual simple majorities anymore, both at national and state level.
A normal party would have adjusted its policies toward the popular will They stopped being a normal party a long time ago
If an organization says the second US revolution will be bloodless as long as there isn’t resistance, perhaps that should be taken as a serious threat.
It's astonishing the degree to which major conservative leaders close to achieving power are talking openly in the language of tyranny while that fact struggles to get anything close to the attention that is proportionate to what that means.
And thats why we should ban the Republican party 👍
Goddammit I'm so fucking angry
Idk. He seems nice. 😋