
This piece from sums up where I’m at this morning. :: “I am particularly outraged at being told to excuse genocide on behalf of someone who can barely string a sentence together at the most consequential possible moment.”
You Should Be Furious Right I am angry that I live in a country that has produced this nightmare.
After all those “lesser of two evils” and “have fun in the camps!” replies I’ve been getting for months for sharing news updates and criticizing an UNPOPULAR US-funded genocide, it’s quite something to see many of those same people begging Biden to drop out. Welcome to the party, I guess.
Seeing the exact same people who demanded folks not criticize Biden for a genocide now calling for him to drop out of the race because of a bad debate performance is... something.
Genocide is fine, they draw the line at halting vocal delivery.
From a man known to have a speech impediment. Literally a disability that makes forming clear words more difficult than it is for most of us. That’s the thing so-called “progressives” are now mad at him for? Having a speech disability? We’ve known he has one all along.
his debate performance last night was not because of his stutter
Management of a stutter often involves pausing when you feel a stutter coming to choose a different word that won’t trip you up.
choosing a different word doesn't mean you switch to a completely different topic altogether, like when he was very clearly asked about abortion and he started mumbling incoherently about immigration
You’re assuming that his stutter COULDN’T be a factor just because there are other specific possible ways managing a stutter can manifest. I’m saying it COULD be a factor, and very likely is.
why would it make him pivot from a topic that he is actually strong on, abortion, to one where he is unbelievably weak on, immigration? if his stutter makes him do such things how can he negotiate with hostile world leaders?
But his stutter did factor in. He used to be quicker and better at hiding it.
and the fact that he can't hide it any more is a clear sign of his cognitive decline
I'm unconvinced of that, but he is definitely much more frail than he was, and whether or not you believe his mental state has declined, I am afraid he may not be long for this world, which is a concern when you are voting for a four-year term.
exactly, he needs to step down immediately. nobody is going to vote for a man who, at the very least, very clearly *APPEARS* to be declining in mental acuity
he paused, lost the thread and said he beat Medicare. on the specific question about his age and cognitive faculty, he lost track, and rambled about computer chip manufacturing
like nobody is going "he said the same phoneme a few times in a row!" or is mad that he stopped and restarted an otherwise coherent and confident idea
exactly, a stutter doesn't make you pivot to immigration when you're asked about abortion!
What speech impediment makes you talk about "immigrants raping women" when asked about abortion? Cause I know people with stutters and tourettes and that never happens to them
Pausing and changing what you’re going to say next is in fact one of the common ways people manage a stutter, because it involves tripping up on specific words.
Ok, but again, what speech impediment makes you instantly go for the racist "immigrants raping women"
Changing a word doesn't mean changing the subject altogether. Hope this helps.
“he only looked bad because of his stutter” doesn’t make the electoral college give you 20 bonus EVs no matter how unfair it is
uwu be nice to the president committing genocide that’s the thing so called “liberals” are fine with
Progressives have nothing to do with it, you just like punching left
I was responding to the person who said progressives were attacking him over a speech impediment
He has done speech therapy and learned to manage it. Please learn how stutters actually work before running your mouth.
I'm sorry, I don't accept criticism from people who vote for genocide.
I know this is hard for you, but progressives are mad at him for genocide. Your ableist lib buddies are the ones trying to get him to drop out for their perception of his inability to speak. I genuinely understand you want to blame any and everything other than you backed a bad egg, but yo.
But you need to address the internal bigotries of YOUR TEAM who keep trying to prop Biden up, or did up until the debate. They run a lot deeper than you're willing to admit.
Again, not “my team” I am literally just some guy, I am not any kind of political staffer. You’re assigning me an assumption of far more influence than I actually have.
Yeah IDGAF about a speech impediment. But pretending his OBVIOUS dementia and word salad is a stutter is pointless, because that's not why I'd never vote for him, anyway. I wouldn't vote for him the first time because of his track record of human rights atrocities: And now, it's 679,782 times WORSE!
They aren’t “my buddies”, it may shock you to learn that I’m just some guy with opinions on the internet. I’m pointing out the ableism and you’re yelling at me for being “buddies” with the ableists for some reason. Make it make sense!