
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Staying with Biden is now the most suicidal option. We will lose all 3 branches simultaneously.
I don’t understand why everyone is so hysterical over one bad debate? Hilary won all three debates and consistently polled higher numbers than Trump and she lost to him anyway so who cares about debates or polls (answer: clearly not the electorate given the above mentioned facts).
The debate crystallized concerns that have been building for months among people who have known Biden for decades and interact with him 1:1. They all say that he has lost a step, isn't capable of speaking extemporaneously or answering questions.
The Dems are not going to come up with an alternative viable candidate in a month that satisfies everyone’s purity test. That’s fantasy. They could Weekend at Bernie’s that man and I would still vote for him. He’s been the most progressive president of my lifetime.
Biden has been a transformational president, I agree. And it's too late to hold a primary; it's Kamala or nothing. She's a known quantity who will jolt the base into real enthusiasm. Only she can spend the $ they've raised, and she'd be able to raise more because the limits will have reset.
I will vote for Biden as well, it's just that I sincerely think I won't be getting that chance. Friday's Stephanopoulos interview will be a big data point for folks, we'll see.