
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Staying with Biden is now the most suicidal option. We will lose all 3 branches simultaneously.
Let's keep watching the polling and see how we feel in a couple of weeks. I don't think it will take that long tbh.
Or, he could crush his next few public appearances and make you all look like hysterical fools.
Hope for a miracle, but plan for a catastrophe.
Latest poll showed literally no change post-debate. As much as the media is trying with their barrage of "Biden is old and should quit" articles.
Okay, so here’s the document that poll is from and maybe I’m totally missing it, but I don’t even see basic info like how many people they polled? Or how they determined their sample?
We look for trends among many polls, this is just the first data point.
2% is within the margin of error and cherry picking polls don't really mean much. others say no change.
We are patient and we look for trends, yes.
See what the polling is like in a couple weeks. But also get out there in spontaneous settings and give Kamala increased prominence in the campaign. Dems cannot have 4 months of “Biden is old” coverage. Any moment not spent talking about abortion and democracy is a moment wasted.
They are going to do this to any candidate. Fucking pull yourself together my god.
Any candidate will be attacked, but Biden is incapable of attacking back. Where's he been? Why aren't I seeing him everywhere right now? Why are congressional dems freaking out about not hearing from him? Things have changed.
When Trump gets attacked the entire party, including the entire ecosystem of dumbass talking heads, come out swinging. When we get attacked half of us agree with the fascists. I mean ffs grow a fucking spine.
They entire Repub ecosystem follows their leader. Meanwhile I would love to follow mine. Where is he?
Why so you can yell at him to retire and do like a mocking old man walk behind him? Man I don't know. You can start by not siding with fascists every chance you get maybe?
The electoral landscape has radically changed. That's the point I'm making.
Yesterday's Puck polling showing precipitous drops in all swing states, plus even solid Dem states, will be just the start I fear.
both are pretty horrendous options at this point and the responsible thing was to step down after one term
Yes we are here because of ego. As it ever was.
2016 was such a gas, needed a do-over
Yeah but after the fucking SCOTUS rulings, lets see how things have actually changed.
That's what I think is supercharging the push for Biden to dropout.
Yeah I saw this, the pre-debate numbers on this make no sense to me but I’m not a polling expert. Just looking at the shift is alarming, I agree. My response to it would be to try to create some other media moments to see if it can be shifted back before just throwing it all out but idk.
He tried that Monday and all he could come up with was that it’s the voters responsibility to do anything about it.
That speech was weak tea on every level. He announced his surrender in the very first line.
Bullshit. Nobody will remember this stupid ass debate in 5 months. Scotus just handed Biden the election.
Um have you heard of advertising these supercuts will be DEVASTATING
Trump doesn't want to remind people that he is also old, decrepit, and (more) often incoherent
You obviously aren’t Black or a Woman. Have a seat
The path to winning was always perilously narrow but gettable I thought, until last week. The numbers so far are intense and Trump is ready for this. Team Biden made a big bet on this debate and they lost.
Kamala is everything now.
It is July. Sooo many things can happen between now and November. Vote like a Black Woman . Always . They have not budged on their support of Biden/ Harris
I absolutely plan to follow their lead.
I don't expect a contested transition. I think he's going to put up a defiant front up until the moment they've figured out their handover plan.
I think you’re freaking out & winding up to shoot yourself in the foot. Republicans can’t wait for the Ds to blow themselves up by trying to replace him when it will be vvv difficult to get someone else on the ballot in all the states. Note how quiet Trump is.
I don’t understand why everyone is so hysterical over one bad debate? Hilary won all three debates and consistently polled higher numbers than Trump and she lost to him anyway so who cares about debates or polls (answer: clearly not the electorate given the above mentioned facts).
The debate crystallized concerns that have been building for months among people who have known Biden for decades and interact with him 1:1. They all say that he has lost a step, isn't capable of speaking extemporaneously or answering questions.
The Dems are not going to come up with an alternative viable candidate in a month that satisfies everyone’s purity test. That’s fantasy. They could Weekend at Bernie’s that man and I would still vote for him. He’s been the most progressive president of my lifetime.
Biden has been a transformational president, I agree. And it's too late to hold a primary; it's Kamala or nothing. She's a known quantity who will jolt the base into real enthusiasm. Only she can spend the $ they've raised, and she'd be able to raise more because the limits will have reset.
I will vote for Biden as well, it's just that I sincerely think I won't be getting that chance. Friday's Stephanopoulos interview will be a big data point for folks, we'll see.