
Erik Nordman
Erik Nordman
Consultant in climate resilience, environmental econ & policy • Author: The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom • Speaker • Fulbrighter (Kenya)
Kris Inwood
Kris Inwood
Economic historian @UoGuelph w broad social science & historical interests: population health, First Nations demography, mobility, inequality & lives of the incarcerated. 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Editing Social Science History & Asia-Pacific Econ History
Ben Keys
Ben Keys
I’m not a player I just lurk a lot. Economist and Professor of Real Estate and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School
Carole DALIN
Carole DALIN
Interested in water, food trade, agriculture sustainability.
CNRS scientist & PI of ERC project FLORA at ENS (Paris)
Associate Professor in Sustainable Food Systems at UCL (London)
Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman
Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman
Urban Ecologist | University of Maryland | cities, climate resilience, green infrastructure, soils, novel ecosystem services | fun: sci-fi photos music | he/him
Waubgeshig Rice
Waubgeshig Rice
New novel MOON OF THE TURNING LEAVES available now in Canada and Feb. 27 in the USA
Aadita Chaudhury
Aadita Chaudhury
PhD researcher on fires, arts, eco-technosocial imaginaries/futures. Co-travelling with poetry, sound, science, nature/cultures, ceremony and embodied knowledges.

Dalal Hanna
Dalal Hanna
Ecologist & Nat Geo Explorer | Prof at Carleton University researching #water, #biodiversity & #ES #conservation (more here: | co-founder | mother of 2 | she/her
Future Natures
Future Natures
Sharing stories and thinking about commons/commoning, ecologies, natures & enclosures.
Get involved:
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK studies global change, #climate & #sustainability issues. Posts in ENG / DE from the comms team.
LinkedIn: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Instagram: PIK_Klima
Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society
Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society
International center for environmental humanities research in Munich, Germany. Founded by LMU Munich and the Deutsches Museum in 2009.
Brent Toderian
Brent Toderian
City planner + urbanist leading TODERIAN UrbanWORKS. Global advisor on cities, city planning, transportation etc. Past chief planner for Vancouver, Canada. Past/founding president of the Council For Canadian Urbanism. International speaker & writer.
Ira Sutherland
Ira Sutherland
I recently finished my PhD (UBC) studying social-ecological change and ecosystem services dynamics in British Columbia. I am now a post-doc at SFU working on conservation planning and cumulative effects assessment.
Frida Hylander
Frida Hylander
Climate psychology.
Specialist psychologist + B.Sc. Human Ecology.
Focuses on facilitating behavior change and climate coping in Climate Psyched (newsletter) & Klimatpsykologi (book). Writes mostly in 🇸🇪, sometimes in 🇬🇧

✉️[email protected]
Erik Angner
Erik Angner
Professor of Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University & Institute for Futures Studies. Author of How Economics Can Save the World 🛟 Web: Opinions &c. my own. Agent: JP Marshall
Ethan White
Ethan White
Environmental data scientist/professor using technology to understand nature. #rstats, Python, open data, open source. he/him
Gavin Simpson
Gavin Simpson
(Palaeo)[ecologist | limnologist] & #fakeStatistican, #rstats user, wielder of #GAMs. He/him/his. Opinions mine…
Alice Evans
Alice Evans
Visiting Fellow at Stanford University
Writing "The Great Gender Divergence"
Lars Gamfeldt
Lars Gamfeldt
Marine ecologist, interested in biodiversity change and its functional consequences. Very much into algae. Senior lecturer at University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Personal aims: Reduce personal carbon footprint and avoid flying. Listen more to music.
John M. Drake
John M. Drake
Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia. Views are my own.
Johan S Eklöf
Johan S Eklöf
Marine community ecologist with a love for nature, family, guitars, sports. Life partner, dad of 2, Professor at Stockholm University. Leading projects FORCE and UrbanFishEries, PI in CoastClim (
Macroecology lab @unipotsdam
Macroecology lab @unipotsdam
Ecology & Macroecology @unipotsdam: Biodiversity modelling - Global Change - Conservation. Led by Damaris Zurell.
Plant community ecology, dispersal, landscape & climate change
Professor in Physical Geography
Passionate about teaching in the field
Ed-in-Chief/ecology @NordicJBotany
Splosh around with watercolour and watching 🪶 🐦🌿🦇
Views are personal
Jens Hylander
Jens Hylander
Researching the planning and transition of transport systems at VTI, the Swedish Road and Transport and Research Institute. Interested in political ecology, geography, political economy and history. Also here for MFF ⚽️ and giggles
Erik Olsen
Erik Olsen
Head of Research Group for Sustainable Development
@ Institute of Marine Research, Norway. Interested in (too) many things; computer models, seafood systems, politics, cooking, outdoors , photography, board games to name a few.
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm Resilience Centre
We explore how people and nature can live and develop on a planet under pressure. The Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Yadvinder Malhi
Yadvinder Malhi
Prof of Ecosystem Science, loves tropical forests; Director Leverhulme Centre for @NatureRecovery; Trustee @NHM_London; past-President of @BritishEcolSoc; CBE FRS
Martine Maron
Martine Maron
Professor of environmental management @ The University of Queensland. Conservation policy, biodiversity offsets, woodland birds, threatened species
Rachel McKane
Rachel McKane
Assistant Professor of Sociology | environmental justice, spatial inequality, political economy of cities, built environment, and mutual aid| 🌈
Claire Dupont
Claire Dupont
Research Prof of governance of climate & sustainability transformations at Ghent University, Belgium. Chair of the Scientific Committee of European Environment Agency. Member of the Observatoire de la Politique Climatique of Luxembourg. Irish in Belgium.
Anil Dash
Anil Dash
that guy from the internet • waging a victorious 2-front war against cars and xmas • big fan of being a big fan of things
The War on Cars
The War on Cars
A podcast about the fight against car culture. Hosted by Sarah Goodyear, Doug Gordon, and Aaron Naparstek.
Kieran Healy
Kieran Healy
Professor of Sociology at Duke University. /
Jessica Green
Jessica Green
Immigrant. Poli sci prof at U of Toronto. Politics of climate change, carbon markets, oceans, NGOs, enviro politics. Occasional ranter.
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Drezner
Political science professor, writer, podcaster, shaker of hands with Mel Brooks — you know, the usual kinks.
Henry Farrell
Henry Farrell Now out with Abe Newman, Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy (Holt, Penguin 2023).
Nicolas Mouquet
Nicolas Mouquet
Researcher in Ecology,, France | Scientific director of the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) | Human by Nature !
Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science
Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science
We are a group of conservation scientists working on applied research at the interface of social and ecological systems. Our vision is a just world where people and nature are thriving.
Capacities on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services in Africa to promote engagement in

Funded by

Prof Dana Bergstrom
Prof Dana Bergstrom
Ecologist, especially Antarctic and impacts of climate change, cat herder and writer of musicals - Antarctica, Beneath the Storm (podcast version out soonish). She/her. Arrived at 318.45 CO2. Lutruwita/ Tasmania
Kate Mackenzie
Kate Mackenzie
understander of things climate-related, polycrisis co-writer, now somewhat less exhausted
Damian Carrington
Damian Carrington
Environment editor at The Guardian
Lev Grossman
Bestselling writer of The Magicians trilogy, The Silver Arrow, The Map of Tiny Perfect Things and The Bright Sword (out July 2024!)

This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone . . .
Lisa Cox
Lisa Cox
Environment Reporter at Guardian Australia. Tips: [email protected]
Canada Research Chair in Energy Transitions
University of Waterloo

Washer of dishes and driver of daughters.
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast, defender of experts. Actor for a day on Succession, Jeopardy champ.
Maria Strack
Maria Strack
Canada Research Chair studying peatland-climate interactions. Fascinated by methane bubbles. Working to restore wetlands. Cyclist. she/her
Gerald Butts
Gerald Butts
Vice Chairman Eurasia Group. Climate, technology, and geopolitics. Skeptical optimist. Book learner. Canadian.