
These guys are traitors to the republic just like their heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reminder that while it took some doing, the republic did ultimately squash Davis's treason attempt and came out better on the other side.
Last point: we won't have a second American Revolution because the second revolution already happened. The defeat of Davis and Lee, the pulverization of the slaveocracy and the passage of the Reconstruction amendments -- THAT was the second revolution.
And that's why these goons don't really count the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
What? The slaveocracy was replaced with #jimcrow, the plantation was replaced with the chain gang & #Reconstruction gains were overthrown. Today's overthrow of Constitution is paid for by #racism & same greed that created slavery in the 1st place.
I take heart that the confederacy lasted ~4 years, and nazi germany (defined as chancellorship to destruction) was ~12 years. These are not sustainable movements.
Are we expecting a liberating army to come free us, though? The Union Army fell the first, the United Nations army the second. Autocracies protected by threat of nuclear weapons seem to last quite a while until undone from within. The Soviet Union and its Warsaw satellites come first to mind.
And DC still had a major road named after him until just a couple years ago, and VA's renaming a few de-Confederatized public schools back to their Confederate names, and a Presidential candidate is complaining about Mexicans taking Black people's jobs, so the job's not close to done, but yes.
I mean, half of them actually believe the wrong side won the Great Rebellion.
I am, at heart, a charitable person.
Let’s find our Sherman and give him the means to burn shit to the ground.
He sure does talk like a rapist
Not only are they traitors to the Republic, they should not be welcome in any civilized country after what we saw them do in Germany between 1933 and 1945
They used to ride with confederate flags with, "heritage not hate."on bumper stickers. Their entire platform was to support slavery and create work camps.
He's mad at MSNBC because Dateline WhiteHouse is doing in-depth coverage of project2025 (started yesterday). They are scared of the sunlight on their festering conspiracy!
This is why fast and decisive action from a law-immune president is necessary.
What, I guess Second Civil War poll tested too low with even their own internal focus groups?
1776, they remember like 1492 and 0. 1860? 1865? Heritage not hat... And we literally don't teach Reconstruction whatsoever.
And they already kill a bunch of people every year.