end op·pres·sion

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end op·pres·sion


Advocate for legal protection of inclusive, bias-free treatment of all humans so everyone has equal opportunity to thrive without prejudice or discrimination. Every day is human rights day.
I believe gen x has indoctrinated more of their kids as time goes on.
Nikki Haley had declared that “the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate” will win the election ... so kinda makes sense to me.
Cellphone video taken Saturday shows Trump rally attendees pointing toward the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and trying to alert authorities to his presence — a full two minutes before the 20-year-old opened fire.
The FBI identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. The shooter is a registered Republican, and he was killed wearing a Demolition Ranch t-shirt, a popular gun website.
Trump Shooting In series of photos taken by @dougmillsnyt and posted on NYT, you can see a bullet fly past Trump's head, Trump touching his right ear, and then removing his hand with blood on it.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
the hard hitting op-eds are on video, not print. Just watch John Oliver's coverage of Project 2025.
this ABC interview is almost as painful to watch as the debate Biden's denying the reality of the poll numbers!
S: Did you ever watch the debate afterwards? B: (pause) I dont think I did, no. Doesnt think he did.
if three years as president took this much of a toll, Biden could look, act, sound and feel much worse at 86, after five more years. And Democrats would be devastated if Donald Trump won.
FYI I'm getting an error when clicking on the starter pack link.
I'm not a lawyer so cant best explain mechanisms used to switch candidates or hold an open convention, but I'm hearing political scientists & scholars explain it. What better mechanism can strategists use to predict votes other than taking & analyzing polls? How do you forecast an American votes?
You seem more interesting proving me wrong than listening or understanding my perspective. So goodbye and take care.
CBS News / YouGov poll of registered voters... Unfortunately this is reality: www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-de...
Buttigieg polls better than Harris. Democrats HAVE to go with the strongest possible candidate in the eyes of voters! The current risk of having an authoritarian fascist is too great, and growing by the day! Listen to the voters!
Buttigieg polls better than Harris. Democrats HAVE to go with the strongest possible candidate in the eyes of voters! The risk of having an authoritarian fascist is too great, and growing by the day!
60% of voters want Biden replaced as candidate after debate, per new Morning Consult poll. Biden lost six points to Trump among voters surveyed after debate per DemocracyCorps poll. Voters will decide one way or another. Democrats may not show up to the polls. www.axios.com/2024/06/29/b...
60% of voters want Biden replaced as candidate after debate, poll sayswww.axios.com Of Democratic voters, 21% say Biden should "definitely not" be replaced, and 20% say "probably not."
The point about the September trial is that it will further drain Biden away from campaigning strongly. I believe the stress leading up to the conviction is what had strained Biden, the 2nd one will only decline him further.
I love Biden and his administration. I just no longer think he has a chance to win the election. A different candidate with his same administration can beat Trump.
It is essential that Trump loses this election. The difference is that, unlike four years ago, Biden no longer has the stamina to win the fight. This has become glaringly obvious to swing voters and Republicans who desperately want a viable alternative to Trump.