
Ok I just moved from “unsure” to “dump Biden”
Aw that’s nice 🙂
His entire generation of party leaders think this is all just a fun game they play with their best friends the Republicans. That this game has no real consequences connected to it, and that all of us voters are just annoying, whiny losers they wish they could get rid of.
They're gonna die soon, and their loved ones are pretty much all gonna be fine. Very little skin in the game besides legacy.
Well Biden basically decided to sacrifice his son and daughter to targeted persecution and likely prison, torture and death in order to virtue signal how "norms" loving he is, but for most of the others yeah.
I'd give 50/50 on a pardon or commutation on the last day if Trump wins. No point in signaling at that point. Wouldn't respect it, but wouldn't blame him.
You could not possibly get stronger evidence that Democrats are not taking *their own threats* about Trump seriously Christ
Remember when John Fetterman ran for the Senate and Dr. Oz did as well? Do you remember people saying the same thing about Fetterman, because he then had a stroke and saying he should drop out, he's not up to it anymore? Who ... 1
about it. I think some of these Dems are in a panic over a debate with a convicted felon, can't handle the job anymore. They have gotten too soft and too comfortable; just like that fascist party has. Looks like these Dems need replacing; not Biden. ... 3
Did you have fun jerking off your false equivalency in my notifications, buddy?
is in the Senate - Fetterman or Oz? It's those Democrats who are in this panic, people should worry about; it sounds like they aren't up to handling the job. Biden acknowledges he had a bad night; he didn't say nothing happened. He didn't lie ... 2
I just read the Kamala interview in Rolling Stone and…I too think we should switch. At least she said that the condition of the country makes her sleepless!
it's a good interview! Team It's Kamala Time.
Imma thinkin' a lot of people in this administration have their head in the sand.
They’ve definitely got their head in something.
Let’s just stick with sand.
I mean the entire party leadership has been delusional for years and especially about Biden after they united to shiv Bernie. He was too old *then* and they chose him anyway. And here we are.
we can admit to ourselves now that in 20 bernie was also too old, but his age and heart attack werent the reasons he lost.
when your argument for reelection is that democracy and all of us die if Trump wins, the correct answer here is not "well, as long as i tried"
I've been "dump Biden" since record homeless, record suicides, major increase in poverty, and genocide accomplice, etc...
this ABC interview is almost as painful to watch as the debate Biden's denying the reality of the poll numbers!
Yes and as soon as he’s replace after months of division, legal struggles over the ballots, difficult to impossible transfers of funds the polls will magically reverse for the Democrats. So simple.
You're f-ing kidding, right? Honest to god.
Avatar knows (I hope!) that I have tremendous respect for him, but this is not a fair representation of Biden's response IMO. It's a quote-mined bit of a longer response about how he considered alternatives to himself but believes the stakes are too high and others aren't up to it.
In essence, his full response is the opposite of what this snippet is being shared as though he said. Not that it's no biggie and he just wants to feel good about his effort, but that he believes the stakes are so profoundly high and require so much experience other people just don't have.
Now obviously people can disagree with his view on this, and certainly it raises potentially sticky questions about what he thinks about Harris specifically, but it's absolutely not the "aw gee I'll be happy with a participation trophy" bs it's been excised from context to suggest.
Here's the transcript. Let me know if his full answer reads differently to you than what this snippet being shared everywhere suggests:
As long as he had a good time, isn’t that what’s important?
Folks get real. Changing candidates doesn’t move the needle an inch. Except it might move it closer to Trump. There no saviors out there. Get behind your candidate and stop undermining. Make the case for the Democrats. Otherwise you are just helping Trump
That answer was a turning point for me, too. He might be ok, but 300 million people won’t be.
Biden indicates he still hasn't screened the debate. So he doesn't know how bad it was, and doesn't want to know. Hoping for Joe to pass the torch with his head head high, and not get hounded out as the pathetic last guy to get the memo.
So you're the guy we can blame if Trump wins. Okay, noted.
Big Surprise: Guy prone to grandiose Trumpian boasts makes this about himself
Gotcha question - if he says « I would feel bad “ then ‘don’t you think that you should stop running?”
Well, now you're definitely not getting that next exclusive sit-down with him.
What, you want the death eye devil rays to obliterate his detractors? JFC more cornflake pissing.
It’s not like he can say “well if the American people choose fascism in November it’s on them, see ya!” He can’t alienate any potential undecided voters by implying in any way, in any form, by any degree, that they they’re uninformed or stupid or fascist. People, y’all need to calm tf down 🙄
Uuuuhhhhh, that's a real quote with full context? If so, v. bad