
Fucking hilarious NYT put their "But her emails" correspondent on a Biden story, when they pay her a lot of money to maintain non-stop access to Trump's camp.
It's not okay for presidents to go to bed at 8. It just is not. Come on.
Why? I had a professor in college who went to bed at 8pm and got up at 3am. When I was a teenager, I worked overnight and slept from about 7am to 2pm. What difference does it make?
Because the US President needs to be able to make life or death decisions on very little sleep. It's a requirement of the job.
So ridiculous - you're plainly reaching for anything to anti-Biden. Say, bed 8pm, awakened at 2am for some emergency. Rather that, or one who's been up til midnight and now exhausted and not thinking straight? Your random scenarios are no better than any other.
Having to think clearly on little sleep during an emergency, as the president of the United States, is not a random scenario. That is a part of the job.
They would rather try to retcon the entire concept of what a president IS than accept presidents can't just say they need more sleep and so are going to work less.
Like he just punches a clock. 9-5, Monday to Friday, and home to rest and play with the dog.
It's always been a little weird to me that they don't stay in the WH on the weekends. Jonathan Chait wrote an essay saying this is like finding out a partner was cheating, now you go back over everything asking if there was something you should have noticed before. I hate that.