
JUST IN: Labour heading toward a landslide victory in the UK. This is their return to power, for the first time since 2010. National exit poll, released moments ago, shows them above 400 seats. The ruling conservatives projected at 131, which would be their lowest since WWII.
I meant to attach this from the BBC
Results per constituencies will start in coming hours—but the bulk will take a while to come. In the meantime, instead of sitting idly, here’s everything you’ve wanted to know about how voting works in the UK but were afraid to ask:
How Voting Works in the U.K. and France: Your Questions On the eve of the French and British elections, <i>Bolts</i> responds to 10 reader questions on how they differ from the U.S. on voter registration, disenfranchisement, proxy voting, and more.
The reveal of the UK exit poll on Sky TV led to a lot of, um, exclamations . I don’t know how to embed a video here so I’m going to exceptionally link to the other site because it’s worth it—
Are exit polls the same as they are in the USA? Or are they more official over there? I know nobody really pays attention to them here