
this is an underappreciated point if the genesis for the investigation is "we gotta get this guy" and then it turns out, well, there's absolutely something to get him for that you can prove before a jury the guy has been gotten, regardless
It doesn't matter if the charges against Trump were politically motivated. Literally not at all.
also, the people with the most power are exactly the sort of people who *should* be most thoroughly investigated! if you don't like that, you can simply: not sign up for the job of president!
So much of the manufactured GOP outrage over Trump's conviction seems to presume Trump is not the kind of guy who would commit crimes and need to be held accountable for them, and well...
Also, Al Capone going down for tax evasion probably felt petty to the good guys at the time. But OTOH it did put a stop to him murdering people.
I don't think it's true that it doesn't matter, but I do think Dems should argue like it doesn't. The "political oppression" angle is the only defense Republicans can cling to, and they should be denied that debate.
I've wondered if the same folks would claim Tony Soprano was railroaded if the feds said "we can't PROVE he's done a specific crime, but he sure seems to be around a bunch of felons doing organized crime things; let's dig into this guy," and found irregularities in the Bada Bing's books as a result