
Discworld QOTD, from Monstrous Regiment “Stopping a battle is much harder than starting it. Starting it only requires you to shout ‘Attack!’ but when you want to stop it, everyone is busy.”
Discworld QOTD, from Small Gods “It's hard to explain," said Brutha. "But I think it's got something to do with how people should behave... you should do things because they're right. Not because gods say so. They might say something different another time.”
this applies to most conflicts, really, which is why the best path is usually not to start them at all which is something I think Terry knew very well
Monstrous Regiment was kind of a shocking book, because throughout most of the series, Death is a friendly guy who's trying to help people move on. Monstrous Regiment is the first book that really says, "Look at how many living people lose everything when their family members die in war."
yeah, he has a lot to say in different books about the negatives of conflict (Night Watch and Interesting Times are extremely cynical about revolutions) but Monstrous Regiment really hits you with "look at the horrifying aftereffects"
he did not have a very high opinion of war and especially of the people who send others off to fight it, that's for sure
though honestly a fair number of fantasy writers have been ambivalent about war, and it wouldn't surprise me if e.g. Lloyd Alexander was antiwar, based on how the battles in his books are chaotic messes with no heroism.
Jingo. Vimes arresting everyone...
Capaldi's Doctor Who had a great speech about that, where he notes that in the end after the war everybody is going to do what they should have done before the war anyway - sit down and talk.
Terry was someone whose love of and for humans still spills from every of his works
He says something about that in the preface to his rewrite of Carpet People. Paraphrasing when he wrote it originally as a teenager he thought Fantasy was about Kings and Battles and as an adult he thinking it’s more important to imagine doing without kings and avoiding battles.
A wise person once said, it only takes one person to catch a monkey but you need at least 5 people to let one go.
"The only way to win is not to play."
If you seek war, prepare for war
Hey Micah! I was going to check a discworld book out from the library for shavuot, but I can't find your "where you should start" flowchart. Any chance you can repost that?
the Discworld feed - my thread is the pinned post, so you can always look through there but the specific post you're looking for is here
DO YOU LIKE GOTH SHIT? Start with Mort, the first of the Death books. DO YOU LIKE DRAGONS? Start with Guards! Guards! the first of the Watch books. DO YOU LIKE ANTITHEISM? Start with Small Gods, a standalone skewering of organized religion. From there, follow this guide to find your next book.
Thank you! Only ever read bad onens, excited to start some of his solo work
But the amazing thing about a lot of the novels: They work in any order. I started with The Truth, followed by the Moist of Lipwig Saga and then The Fifth Elefant and Nightwatch and only now Guards Guards. And it still works. Its like visiting old friends on another adventure.
Mm, Monstrous Regiment. I'm on the last disc (haha) of the audiobook. I love re-reading them.