
Good I just finished the Horizon Zero Dawn DLC and uninstalled the game
me everytime i think about playing civ again
I need to go back to Civ after reviewing multiple bad 4X games
Was human kind one of those ones? I saw it was deep on sale and feel like ive never heard anything about it one way or the other
Humankind never really jelled for me. I liked the idea on paper but in practice the accretion of culture never felt like it had the impact it should. Probably worth revisiting though, I haven't touched it since launch
I made it 340 hrs after all the dlc but yeah it still never quite jelled
i really like some of their ideas but it still never cohered into a whole
I’m hoping sins of a solar empire 2 gets better it needs a lot more flavor at the moment the galaxy just feels too lifeless compared to ie stellaris
that is disappointing, I haven't tried it but I did really love the original need more space-based games like that
it’s still early access so i think it’ll get there and i feel the same about the original i think sins does a lot better job of making it feel like you have an imperial core compared to stellaris past early game and i like how you can really build up fortress systems
I want to like 4X games, but I don’t know whether it’s the ADHD, or just not finding the “right” game, but none of them have ever really clicked. I tried Humankind and it was kind of OK, Stellaris was overwhelming.
if you haven’t played the civilization games i think civ6 is probably the best and easiest to get a feel for. one of those easy to learn difficult to master things if you want to try it theres a demo and it’s on a huge sale for $5 i think until the 11th but also 4x could just totally not be for you
HUH My ADHD is totally why I have 7k hrs in Civ VI but yeah may just not be for you
Just a scale-time Civ play-through. 1 hour per year
How do you keep track of everything at once? I just get overwhelmed with information.
lol lmao ok yeah then its probably just not your jam, the only other one id maybe recommend is total war if you like rts style games, its mostly an rts with 4x lite
Ohhh, my games library is "Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here." I've recently managed to configure Playnite to be the one launcher to rule them all, and in the darkness bind me.
Dunno if its worth buying a whole game to see if differently flavored helps, but Endless Legend/Space have felt more focused than Civ to me, but that's also because I often automate the busy work and just vibe with the cool different civs.
Age of Wonders 4 is really, really good in its current state. It manages to combine the best elements of AOW2 and AOW3 and discard most of each's weaknesses.
ahh that’s cool. i’ve only ever played ao3 but i did enjoy the whole finding relics and what not while exploring, tho i didn’t really vibe with the game overall
AOW2 was more fun than AOW3. AOW3 had some very interesting mechanics but on the whole it just didn't fit together right. But AOW4 has a much more flexible style of gameplay, with the best research and advancement system of any of the series. Battles are way more fun, too.