
looking at the UK results and I have to say I am not thrilled by how much of the Tory collapse is voters moving to Farage and the Reform Party even in a conservative defeat you see the far right rising
yeah I’m not thrilled to see Reform up this much - I suppose the big question is, when Labour eventually fucks it does Reform manage to become the dominant conservative party over the Tories or do those folks drift back
The current popular vote in the UK—and with 98% of constituencies reporting, this is pretty close to final. Labour 34% (+2) Conservative 24% (-20) Reform 14% (+12) Lib Dem 12% (+1) Green 7% (+4) That's the lowest vote share in the history of the Conservative Party.
This may not age well, but tonight feels more like a ceiling than a floor for Farage. He and his Putin-snuggling brownshirts are a known quantity, not some fresh new thing. With the epic collapse of the Tories, I think anyone who didn’t vote for them this time likely never will
The vote share is horrifying, but they did only end up with something like 4 seats, so they didn’t manage to get that much institutional power for their vote share. Hopefully the low # of seats makes it harder for them to take over the tories
I think that's the real question. It's happened in the US and Canada in their respective Conservative parties where the fringe has become a gravitational centre for right-wing representation. /If/ this election ends the Tory party, Reform/UKIP would seem to be their successors.
They don’t need to, Starmer and whoever leads the Tories will just follow their lead and move further right.
I think people are just sick of the conservatives. Labour is completely uninspiring with their "what they said, but more serious (sensible)" bit. People are just checking one of the other boxes
It will depend on how the Tory leadership struggle goes and if Reform’s MPs actually hold together. It could be a year, easily, before we even have a clue.
14% is less terrible than I thought, given how many seats they managed to win for Labour while getting even bigger numbers. Still, *if* the Tories and "Reform" manage to actually work together next time, then that's hella dangerous.
I hate first past the post but I'll take 'the Greens win as many seats as the fash' any day of the week.
More than anything this election proves that the UK is no longer a two party state. We need electoral reform now.
That's one way of looking at it. Another is that only 38% of the constituency voted for right wing parties. Normally that block is monolithic and ends up in power. This time, the natural majority (52%) of left wing voters, we're able to be reflected in parliament. Reform fucked the tories.
I'm not sure what they're really trying to "Reform" anyway. They've already left the EU and have one of the most conservative governments out there by default.