
looking at the UK results and I have to say I am not thrilled by how much of the Tory collapse is voters moving to Farage and the Reform Party even in a conservative defeat you see the far right rising
yeah I’m not thrilled to see Reform up this much - I suppose the big question is, when Labour eventually fucks it does Reform manage to become the dominant conservative party over the Tories or do those folks drift back
The current popular vote in the UK—and with 98% of constituencies reporting, this is pretty close to final. Labour 34% (+2) Conservative 24% (-20) Reform 14% (+12) Lib Dem 12% (+1) Green 7% (+4) That's the lowest vote share in the history of the Conservative Party.
This may not age well, but tonight feels more like a ceiling than a floor for Farage. He and his Putin-snuggling brownshirts are a known quantity, not some fresh new thing. With the epic collapse of the Tories, I think anyone who didn’t vote for them this time likely never will
The vote share is horrifying, but they did only end up with something like 4 seats, so they didn’t manage to get that much institutional power for their vote share. Hopefully the low # of seats makes it harder for them to take over the tories
I think that's the real question. It's happened in the US and Canada in their respective Conservative parties where the fringe has become a gravitational centre for right-wing representation. /If/ this election ends the Tory party, Reform/UKIP would seem to be their successors.
They don’t need to, Starmer and whoever leads the Tories will just follow their lead and move further right.
I think people are just sick of the conservatives. Labour is completely uninspiring with their "what they said, but more serious (sensible)" bit. People are just checking one of the other boxes
It will depend on how the Tory leadership struggle goes and if Reform’s MPs actually hold together. It could be a year, easily, before we even have a clue.
14% is less terrible than I thought, given how many seats they managed to win for Labour while getting even bigger numbers. Still, *if* the Tories and "Reform" manage to actually work together next time, then that's hella dangerous.
I hate first past the post but I'll take 'the Greens win as many seats as the fash' any day of the week.
More than anything this election proves that the UK is no longer a two party state. We need electoral reform now.
That's one way of looking at it. Another is that only 38% of the constituency voted for right wing parties. Normally that block is monolithic and ends up in power. This time, the natural majority (52%) of left wing voters, we're able to be reflected in parliament. Reform fucked the tories.
I'm not sure what they're really trying to "Reform" anyway. They've already left the EU and have one of the most conservative governments out there by default.
You can look at it as a rise in the far right Or you can look at it as 13 of the most unpleasant and batshit Tories simply shuffled around a bit and rebranded, voted for by cretins who are shouting in to the void They are not to be appealed to or pandered to. They will be ignored.
You can guarantee every single one of them will be fucking shit at the basic acts of turning up
33% of Tory voters switched to Reform. Don't take that lightly.
Fuck em and ignore them. They're just rebranded batshit Tories with protest votes pissing . The exit poll predicted 13 seats. Just seen that *4* of those have NOT gone Reform Fuck the fuck off Farage though
'Ignore them and they'll go away' is never the way to deal with the far-right.
It happened here in Canada then that party turned around and ate the Conservative party and that's how we got 8 years of Steven Harper. Farge has said explicitly that is his model and his plan.
Yep. The Tories will go crazier, especially if they see going even more batshit as a net political gain. See: current America.
13 isn't that bad in a rout like this. means a hell of a lot more shifted left
also Labour's had a couple shocks for the left of all places so think of it as a very definitive leftward shift with a few dots on the right
got this fucker so I’m gonna take the win
Nah, just the magic of FPTP. Labour (to whatever extent it's still Left) barely increased its vote share. Reform split the Tory vote. Amazing news overall, but a lot of work to be done in and by our communities
Wasn't 13 the first projection from the exit polls? They updated those to say that RUK would only get 4 seats. Or were you talking percentages?
naah I'm just out of date with the info. 4 you said? even better
Only sorta. Their raw vote totals were up a lot. Coming in second lots of places. Not great.
Mixed feelings here. On the positive side, parliamentary systems give the racist authoritarians a way to sort themselves out separately in a way they can be blocked from power, unlike in the US. On the other, I fear where all this is headed.
If we had a better voting system though, it'd be clearer *why* people are voting for them. One of their main policies is electoral reform (hence the name). Tons of people just hate the two biggest parties and haven't really bothered thinking beyond that. It's no excuse to vote for them, but still.
The good news is they’ll only take 4 or 5 seats, and you can bet Farage and his ego and his racist maaates will fight constantly and blow themselves up before the next election, when half their voters will have aged out.
Something Something George Carlin pointing out that by definition half the population is of below-average intelligence
I'm fine with the far right vote being split between the two far right parties and not winning.
Harrogate and Knaresborough just went Lib-Dem from Tory
I suspect it more "incandescent hate of the tories" than any love of the Labour party
Yep, this isn't an election with positive voting as much as it is hatred of over a decade of Tory party rule and austerity.
the three [so far] tory wins have all been down ~30~40% in votes...
Yay! Whitehaven and Workington, Labour gain from Tories....
4 Tory wins is 4 too many. And let's not even talk about the Reform win.
From similar previous results they usually 1) bicker among themselves instead of doing their jobs 2) are useless and are got rid of asap, although it’s true that there is a rise in the extreme right and we shouldn’t take our eyes off them.
Our local Reform candidate abandoned his campaign a week ahead of the vote because he was ashamed of the actions of the party's canvassers, and told his supporters to vote Tory instead. He still got like 9000 votes. Reform voters don't even seem to be engaged with reality.
I just wish this was labour of like 2016 instead of the "lets keep the austerity" party it is now.
Luckily there's been enough push back to keep them out of most of the seats, but in a lot more constituencies than I'd be comfortable with they came in second place.
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this is true but the thing to hang on to is that every time a far right party with Farage in it has gained ground, it collapses a little while later due to the sheer lack of actual work ethic, and the racism.
As a note: - this is the lowest-turnout UK election in a long while - the story imo is that Labour really just totally failed to energize people!
still, only got 4 seats while the Tories lost 248. The greens also got 4 seats.