
folks, watch Leverage because it’s great and because it features one of the few truly aspirational fantasies we have left: watching rich assholes get their comeuppance
I know writers who use subtext, and they're all cowards.
I’m in the middle of a rewatch and having a blast. I don’t know how it manages to be both a funny, heisty delight and also a scathing indictment of our current society at the exact same time.
Such a good fucking show. So many awful douchebags get ruined, it's great.
Leverage is great! To me, it’s part of a group of great TV shows that use a similar formula: Monk, Psych, Suits, White Collar, Royal Pains, and Burn Notice. As a Portland-native living in the Boston area, I also love that they filmed a couple of seasons in Portland, pretending it was Boston.
Have you seen The Beekeeper?
it’s on my list if I ever have time to watch anything ever again
I watched it on a plane and it was extremely fun to watch Jason Statham walk into a greedy corporation with a gasoline can.
There's also The Bricklayer, which is the best I've seen from Renny Harlin since Deep Blue Sea
It’s kinda “The John Wick we have at home” but there are definitely some extremely satisfying moments of scammers and crypto bros getting what’s coming to them.
REdiscovering it, after watching it back when it was on regular TV. So much of it is corny 1970s TV paying homage to 1940s caper movies, but that's what makes it watchable. Some very clever writing. I'm really entertained by all the in-jokes. Haven't gotten to the reboot yet. Hope it stands up.
Leverage is amazing, and well-researched, and cathartic AF. I should rewatch all of it.
I used to watch reruns with my father everytime I visited. He had a lot stored on a very old TiVo.
It is available for free streaming, with Freevee/Amazon having the revival.
There's a similar British show called Hustle that started a few years before Leverage. Been a while since I've seen it, but I remember it being pretty good.
Fall of The House Of Usher presents that as well.
Loved that show. Almost all con shows/movies I've seen are worth it.
Love that show. Can't wait for next season to hurry up.
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If you enjoy watching rich assholes get their comeuppance and also enjoy kdramas, may I recommend Little Women and The Glory
I loved that show, but since I found out that they ditched the lead for the reboot because he turned out to be a predator, I don't want to watch him again. Just ick, no. Damnit, it was a good show, and this spoiled my ability to enjoy it again. I bet they knew way earlier, that's usually the case.