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Human companion to the world's best shiba inu
Long suffering Jets fan
Vastly prefer democracy to whatever the Republicans are trying to turn government into.
It's long past time to just ignore anonymous quotes attributed to Democrats about how Biden is a loser. People actively working - and lying - to elect Trump are Republicans, not Democrats, however they self-identify
There's aren't any potential Republicans who aren't unfit candidates to be President.
Which makes it more effective than the New York Democratic Party leadership. Democrats win in New York because they vastly outnumber the opposition, but under any vaguely competent Democratic leadership the New York Republican party would be like the Texas Democratic party.
can't find who said it on here but the average Uncommitted voter in Michigan wants Biden to win more, and is a more reliable Dem partisan, than the leadership of the NY Democratic Party
absolutely dogshit work from the new york dems, at the same time 50/50 state north carolina is having 4 Dem reps stolen from it by a new map
If you consider abortion to be a Thirteenth Amendment issue then fetal personhood doesn't matter at all. The Thirteenth very specifically applies to all people in U.S. territorial boundaries including, if you call them "people," blastocytes, embryos, fetuses, etc. No one may own slaves.
End of feed.