
can't find who said it on here but the average Uncommitted voter in Michigan wants Biden to win more, and is a more reliable Dem partisan, than the leadership of the NY Democratic Party
absolutely dogshit work from the new york dems, at the same time 50/50 state north carolina is having 4 Dem reps stolen from it by a new map
absolutely the most dogshit state Dem party in the nation except maybe Florida, which has removed itself entirely from power on every level
Micah, the TX Dem party is practically speaking nonexistent
TX Dems have pretty much been gerrymandered into positions of powerlessness, to the point that urban voting blocks have Republican reps even when our city govt. is majority Dem :v
Thank you for telling me about where I live
Yeah I also live here, the Democratic party exists and it gets next to no support from the DNC. But that is not the same situation
The DNC (and RNC) is not really designed to do anything.
Which makes it more effective than the New York Democratic Party leadership. Democrats win in New York because they vastly outnumber the opposition, but under any vaguely competent Democratic leadership the New York Republican party would be like the Texas Democratic party.
New York Dems care about one thing, and that's New York Dems. Cuomo and Hochul are truly creatures of that fetid swamp
They don't even care about that though! They're constantly making decisions that screw the state party and lose them seats
The NY Democratic party is run by conservatives who resent having to register as Dems to get elected and genuinely want Republicans to have more power than voters are willing to give them
New York Dems do not have political goals or motivations. They just want their personal graft trains rolling and oppose anything that has an outside chance of interfering with said Graft Trains.
Yeah crazy as it seems I think this is literally the case. If they lived in a swing state or red state they'd be Republicans, but they're Dems because that's what you have to do to get elected in New York.
I might agree if this somehow helped NYDems but, I fail to see how it helps them either.
Yeah not really. But the wealthy centrists at their fundraising parties might find gerrymandering to be uncouth.
The new map entrenches their incumbants. NY-3 will be Suozzi's forever.
“The Democratic Party should do better” is a position to the left of the Democratic Party.
It me. I may not like Biden or the Ds, but they still are far better than Rs.
like what most people on the left, from the suburban parents to the socialists, is a Dem party that stands up for itself and tries to carry out its stated goals. it's gotten a lot better over the last 20 years but a long way to go
I don't understand this behavior. Don't almost all politicians and parties, even at their worst, try to behave consistently with their own self-interest?
Andrew Cuomo’s legacy is gonna be the end of democracy itself, isn’t it?
Their failures were responsible for the last two years of divided government. Imagine where we'd be with control of both chambers.
We would have heard a lot more about how awful Mitch McConnell is in the last couple years. He'd still have a veto on legislation.
He would. But we still got a lot through a 50-50 Senate and this would’ve been a 51-49 Senate.
I think at the least we would have gotten a permanent child allowance and probably a couple other things out of BBB
I live here and I don’t get it either. Is it because of NYC corporate money? Is it bc of the rich in Westchester? Is it bc most of the Ds here are POC so the party feels they can ignore them and still keep the vote? Every D in NY I know is an AOC fan but the party won’t shift more left!
I believe it’s the corruption-from what I’ve read the local parties are insane. They have everything the way they want it, and it’s hard for reformers to breakthrough.
The average Jill Stein voter is a more reliable democratic partisan than the NYDems. Joe Manchin is a more reliable Democratic partisan than the NYDems
my hope is that the insanely gerrymandered red state legislatures will go through the same process: if the only path to power is through a single party, that party loses ideological coherence as people who would normally be opponents sneak into your tent. But that takes a long long time.
That currently doesn’t happen with the GOP because they maintain a lot more rigid of an ideological line than the Democrats do, and officials who don’t meet that line get their lives threatened in those states
:: nods, holds finger to side of nose in a "Guess I gotta threaten more centrist politicians" sort of way ::
I don’t understand what NY Dem leadership is playing at? Is this incompetence or what?
You mean the leadership that was unable to find anything wrong with Santos? Yeah, nice bunch 😎
From Stefanik's district: report on "newly-drawn Democrat" redistricting is OK with Elise.