
You have to give the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt this: he is not hiding the ball here. He’s being quite clear about the aim to delegitimize a wide array of speech.
I don’t know, Ken. I’ve already heard a lot of people out there calling for the all-out destruction of Israel. I think maybe that’s what Greenblatt is referring to. Where does the line get drawn relative to free speech?
Well, under American law, you can call for the destruction of any country you like. And I don’t see how the fact some people are saying that means that anyone calling for a ceasefire has a sinister motive.
Or being antisemitic. Israel and its actions reflects on Israel - not Jews. Some don't see the difference - most do. You can fight antisemitism and call for a ceasefire or condemn the killing of 32000+ people in 6 months. I'd argue that doing both is better than putting one above the other.
I think it becomes antisemitic when ostensible attacks on a Likud lead war become real attacks on anyone who is Jewish.
Any attack on anyone for being Jews is antisemitic. Are you saying protests against Israel and Israeli actions are attacks on anyone who is Jewish?
If you read Greenblatt’s article, I think what he’s saying is those legitimate calls to end the war and free Palestine are resulting in attacks on Jewish people.
Just for some perspective and context regarding attacks, at least four Palestinian Americans (including one 6 year old child) have been murdered in the United States by supporters of Israeli actions in Gaza since 10/7.
I remember the story of the little boy. It was awful. But it’s also another example of how rhetoric can provoke actions. What I always loved about MLK was his unique capacity to face the very worst aspects of humanity using words of peace and love common to everyone.
Re: MLK, polls from the time show we was by and large hated by the public, he was treated as a dangerous radical, the US govt fought against him, he was arrested many times, and was ultimately murdered. Only in death has he gotten this broad sympathy as a peacemaker. He was an enemy of the state.
I don’t think he was “largely” hated at all. I knew many people who marched with King. People everywhere were horrified at his murder. So, no. It wasn’t only after his death that he became popular.
In a country of (then) ~200 million people, you could have 2 million people march with MLK and still have dozens or even hundreds of millions of people who hated him. The historical record is clear. A majority of Americans, the American Media, and the US Government deeply hated MLK while alive.
What I can tell you is, I was a young boy in the 1960’s and everyone I knew absolutely revered MLK.
I appreciate the chat, Rob. Looking at your bio, if you really are the Timbuk2 guy (forgive me, always skepticism with internet), then thank you for the bags. I've owned 3 over the years, each one still kicking decades on. Currently one courier bag and one backpack in heavy rotation still. Cheers
Good to be skeptical, but yup, I’m that guy. Did a f-load of sewing for far too many years. LOL
Haha, nice. Can't be easy sowing ballistic fabric. Anyway, I'm off for the evening, genuine thanks for engaging with some guy on the internet, good luck and be well, and thanks again for the bags.
That is a fair data point, for sure! I'll still maintain, an enormous country, and MLK was fought tooth and nail by the government and white supremacists until his murder. I'm glad people loved him then, but he was a radical, and avowed and vocal socialist, and far from universally loved.
As I like to say, he was hated by the right people. Certainly not universally loved. A thorn in the side of many in the establishment. As John Lewis said, 'He made lots of good trouble.’ (paraphrase) But, as my original point, he made trouble preaching love and peace.
Won't argue with you there! I got to meet John Lewis in 2018, it was humbling. And you're right, MLK was hated by the right people, only problem is, the "right people" are NUMEROUS and hold lots of power. I think the state power being deployed against kids is a similar brand of "right people"