
Jimmy Cloutier
Jimmy Cloutier
Level 31 human journalist, covering money in politics at OpenSecrets | Previously News21, Peace Corps Armenia | Québécois + American
Sarah Siedschlag
Sarah Siedschlag
I train UCSB students in enviro advocacy + defeating big oil. Aggressively pro accessible clean transportation. Not snacking, just sequestering carbon
Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson
I study evolution, ecology, & behavior and teach at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Interested in Broadening Participation in STEM. Greater Chicago Area. He/him.
Paul Cobb
Paul Cobb
At work I help build climate, adaptation, and risk analysis training courses and professional development programs. Otherwise most of my time goes to kids and cooking tbh. But skiing too when I can.
Sustainable Us
Sustainable Us
Personal and independent views.
Apprentice Pish-Monger.
The time to limit the impacts of climate change is rapidly running out. I have been doing what I can for 20 years.

Transport - eBike and legs

Careers - engineering, digital media, teaching...
Colin Sweeney
Colin Sweeney
Phd Candidate in Ecology | Former Museum educator | Let's make the world a little bit better today... 🌈🌱🛰️🦋(he/him)
Protect trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️
Luke Sanford
Luke Sanford
Assistant Prof. at Yale School of the Environment
Daniel Prindii
Daniel Prindii
#Community #Designer, #Marketing #Strategist. #Art #Historian. Fan of #Bauhaus, Sci-Fi, and #Photography.

Cluj, RO/Vicenza, IT

Megan Darby
Megan Darby
Comms on oil and gas phaseout.
Former editor of
Mother to a 4yo and a baby. Tired - but I repeat myself.
James Reeler
James Reeler
Father, husband, reader. Working as a cog to build the future we deserve.
Anders C. Sørby 🌍🇪🇺🇺🇦🇵🇸🌱🌻⚛️
Anders C. Sørby 🌍🇪🇺🇺🇦🇵🇸🌱🌻⚛️
#ClimateJustice MDG 🌍🇪🇺🇺🇦🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩++🌱🌻 Physics and mathematics ⚛️ People & planet over profits. Make the world a better place. Born at 359ppm. (he/him)
Ken Burnside
Ken Burnside
Game designer (Attack Vector: Tactical, Squadron Strike, Minimus, Federation Commander), writer, monkey servant of Theoden Cat, Lord of the Kittermark, Trampler of Keyboards, High Rider of the Back of the Chair!
Jonas Kemmer
Jonas Kemmer
$1.25 Quarterstaff
$1.25 Quarterstaff
I'm at the JFC, I'm at OMFG. I'm at the combination JFC OMFG.

He-ish pronouns, I won't be insulted if you use others for me, I'll do my best to use yours correctly. City: Comma, Serial (Not Oxford), North Carolina.
gamera obscura
gamera obscura
robin sky leigh

writer | wastrel
socialist | singer
rabble | rouser

she | her
Liviu Giosan
Liviu Giosan
Earth Historian
Jacob Eisenstein
Jacob Eisenstein
Sandra T.
Sandra T.
Biochemist. Former Science Editor. „Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich aber sinnlos.“ 🐾 Currently in Michigan. She/her.
Matt Jenks
Matt Jenks
Surfer, doctor, environmentalist, classical guitarist, father, husband, cycling advocate…..sometimes all in the same day
Alix Hui
Alix Hui
Historian of science, environment, sound, and silence. Raising small kids through covid. Pie hobbyist. The Johnny Appleseed of googly-eyes.
Jean Wirth
Slowly removing lawn, replacing with native plants. My one, small step for wildlife, climate, anxiety.

Reading, learning to play the ukelele, front porch birding and nature observing. Trying to stay informed but not stressed out.
Albion Lawrence
Albion Lawrence
Theoretical physicist working in physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, quantum field theory, and quantum gravity.
Joey Gurney
Joey Gurney
Currently working in Local Gov strategy. Casual China watcher and former think tanker. School governor and charity trustee.
Dilbert Hornbuckle
Dilbert Hornbuckle
mostly I take care of kids. sometimes I roleplay at 'job'
Nancy Huntly
Phil Rabbat
Lior Hamovitz
Lior Hamovitz
PhD student @ Boston University || CSSN scholar || 🏳️‍🌈🎗️

🌿 regional climate ethics // intersectional environmentalism 🌿
Glenn Jaecks
Glenn Jaecks
Geology Professor, Cyclist, Commuter, Beach, 'n' stuff. I think I might be a Le Guinian anarchist, with a tinge of Marx and democratic socialism. I teach climate change.
At the intersection of climate modeling and AI. No, not that type of AI. No, AI does not solve everything.
Fabian Wolf 🌻🇺🇦
Fabian Wolf 🌻🇺🇦
Lebenslang linksgrün-weiß. 💚🤍
Ich möchte auf der richtigen Seite gestanden haben, wenn die Geschichten erzählt werden. Aufstehen jetzt.
En-ROADS Ambassodor in the making.
Born @ 335ppm - follow<->refollow
small fat dog

Durham, NC
Chris Geroux
Chris Geroux
Craig Schofield
Craig Schofield
Biology, Bicycling, Bird Watching, Computers, Camping
Gavin Schmidt
Gavin Schmidt
Climate scientist, juggler. Bikes etc. Blogging at - data visualization and debunking.
I want to roll in all of nature’s riches around me and never wonder what they’re worth 🌈🍃 • climate optimist • systems thinker
Richard Smith
Richard Smith
Soil scientist