

Reposted by BernardoVerda
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Pro-life, family values, law and order, etc. simply assume words mean the opposite when used by these people
Reposted by BernardoVerda
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
you would think they would realize if you're not eligible to be president you're also not eligible to be vice president... but it's about the racism
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Nah, titties and gays are the true threat to children, not poverty and starvation
Reposted by BernardoVerda
what if - instead of attempting to ban porn and end internet anonymity in the name of “protecting children” - we actually protected them by making sure they have enough to eat
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
The issue of the exact definition of "natural born" has never been directly decided by the Supreme Court. Decent chance they take up the question and side with the cuckoo-nutties who don't believe it simply means being born here.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Jack Posobiec is a very influential MAGA media figure. He posted this today. In the 1930s Fr. Denis Fahey was probably most well know for being one of the most outspoken anti-semites in the world...quite an accomplishment for that era.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Instead of supporting an incumbent who's been getting the job done, and well, we're going to submit him to the Hunger Games?
Dumbest fuckin’ idea I’ve ever heard. “The proposal is work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist…”
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Love it when an impulse plant purchase thrives 🌱
Reposted by BernardoVerda
I get the feeling that's one of the policies that's in there to be removed once people get engaged, then that can say they're listening and have changed. Or, you know, double down and start napalming Yellowstone because it had it coming as a hippy freeloading park. :-(
Reposted by BernardoVerda
This Republican sociopath (Russ Vought) is a part of Project 2025 (Trump's jobs numbers and GDP numbers were the worst since the Great Depression). 3/10/20: "Trump budget chief holds firm on CDC cuts amid virus outbreak"
Trump budget chief holds firm on CDC cuts amid virus Russ Vought, the acting director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, on Tuesday doubled down on proposed cuts to health services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (…
Reposted by BernardoVerda
I've seen a graphic or two going around and my main thought is "they want to ban contraceptives" probably goes a lot farther with the average voter than, say, "they want to increase arctic drilling"
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Whoa there! I think you mean "end no fault divorce and ban porn for YOU." They will absolutely still get the house. the kids. and the porn.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
It’s also a really good example of what weird little freaks these people are. You could (shouldn’t, but could!) excuse the no fault divorce, homophobia, etc bc it’s their religion, and we’re all used to religious extremists in power, but going after the parks? That’s just them being *weird.*
Reposted by BernardoVerda
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
like this for example
Reposted by BernardoVerda
There’s a piece of this that is about their long term campaign to make people feel that government can’t get anything done/can’t help/can’t do anything good - if you take the money and feed the kids you give away the game
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Reposted by BernardoVerda
One of the few things I had long planned to write a blog or whatever about, but I was slow and lazy and did it first. These sickos are unable to imagine anyone deserving to eat unless someone else deserves to starve.
Yes, Republicans really believe in starving What GOP states' cruel rejection of lunch for poor kids reveals about the right-wing brain. And how to fight it
Reposted by BernardoVerda
IE, Republicans are terrified of the salt of the earth realizing that there's actually nothing stopping the federal government from radically improving their lives ... except ... Republicans.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
100% they aren't accepting the funding so they can turn around and campaign on ineffective social programs or blame it on immigrants and their base and media will fail to call them on it.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Reposted by BernardoVerda
The opting out is especially wild Like, Republican governors are being actively presented with money to feed kids and affirmatively saying 'I would like children to starve actually' (Also, if I'm a Dem campaigner, I'm making some ads and placing some op eds about this immediately)
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Reposted by BernardoVerda
(This is why the US's two-party system is a dismal failure and the system reworked entirely, but that's going off topic)
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Reposted by BernardoVerda
Voters turned out in record numbers to vote FOR the far right, who have made historic gains and would have *easily* come first if it was just a one round FPTP election like the US or Britain. This is not a time for a sigh of relief. We must strengthen our will against the right in all countries.