
watching people suddenly talk about wanting to leave the country makes me nostalgic for literally any conversation i've ever had with any person of color ever
I said this on Twitter but: my husband is Jewish and I am black. Where are we gonna go exactly.
This is where I'm at. I try to explain to people that Canada is in fact its own country and not just extra-U.S., and they don't necessarily want you and a few million other people to just move there.
well we kind of do and we kind of don’t. every day justin trudeau wakes up and flips a coin with “IMMIGRATION” on one side and “DEPORTATION” on the other
If 10,000,000 U.S. Citizens wanted to enter Canada he would go hard on the deportation, and so would most Canadian citizens.
bro i was making a little joke. i’m not trying to organize the tim horton’s railroad
also we are *this* close to PP being elected 🤮