RobotLyra, Internet Sexyman Aficionado

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RobotLyra, Internet Sexyman Aficionado

She/they 🍞&🌹
100% Human-Made Fresh N Tasty Art
Contents may not be used for AI model training
Wanted for Second Rate Shaboingery
American Yumejoshi
A discussion about "who gets to enjoy 'art separated from artist" is turning really quickly into "every artist is intrinsically linked bodily and experientially to their work so their work always says what they really believe" and I do not like how fast that jump happened at all.
Having some feelings now about games like FFXIV which work so hard to tell interesting nuanced stories and make you care about their characters versus ones that have very fancified and surface gloss level appeal designed to suck you into a gambling addiction
Still totally astonished at Overwatch being so unwilling to work to make folks care about their cast that they have to collab with other media folks already care about more, whereas I can stroll onto Tumblr and find fresh Heavy x Medic that's day old at most and still as passionate as it was in 2010
Being off twitter now means I'm missing a lot of the FFXIV social media engagement, but it also means I missed the spoilers
In lieu of Dawntrail Spoilers, I give you: Graphical Updated Emet-Selch! His expressions read quite a bit more intensely now, I think it's cuz of the way his eyes are set
I need the best tattoo artist in the general Boston area to tattoo "Thou Must Live, Die, and Know" somewhere on my person
I'm still on Dawntrail spoiler embargo but my feelings on completion are basically awareness that not EVERY expac can be the culmination of 10 years of plot and 12 thousand years of in-game lore, it's just not POSSIBLE. But smaller level stories are just as capable of providing emotional experiences
Watched a video essay about Shadowbringers that pointed out the Ancients in Amaurot speak to you in a way Emet-Selch manifested them to, and one of them specifically implores you to go home and stay with your loved ones during the Final Days and that's him begging Azem not to leave him alone
I'm sorry Christianity, but the idea of a god who loves me and would give up anything for me is more appealing when I actually get to talk with her and hang out for a while, and play with her dog
Actually, one of the relieving things about getting old is not HAVING to know too much about what's going on in popular culture. I don't know what a Chapelle Roan is and I don't have to find out, I can just listen to my old Peter Gabriel CDs like they're the Lawrence Whelk Show
Free Public Transit! Buses and subway routes!
It's 2035. You just walked out your door into a world that got through the shocks of 2024 -26 more connected, a little ecologically healthier, with civil and human rights strengthened & with commitment to actually being a just & ecological society. What's the 1st thing you see?
Doing some sidequests for Dawntrail and just kind of staring at the wall at the willingness to say "Just giving people what they need in times of crisis is actually the best method for preventing them falling in deeper and having even worse problems that spread out and affect everyone else later."
I have a favorite character in the Dawntrail expac that I can't talk about until the embargo is over, but when it is, I'm about to become UNHINGED
I wasn't in style when I was young, it's not much of a change now that I'm older.
Also as we get older we’re not supposed to fit in with the kids! Leave them alone! It’s normal and fine for them to find things outside their own age cohort extremely cringe.
The news media has a vested interest in ignoring "white collar crime" because the infrastructural failures that they inflict on the marginalized lead to more "real felonies" and crimes of immediacy and passion, which make better news stories. Journalism, Red In Tooth and Claw.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
Yeah, we're all having a chuckle at the "only the lord almighty could make me drop out" comment, but if Biden dies before Trump, you're all gonna have to call SquareEnix to tell them Final Fantasy XVII is going to be about MY fat ass because I will personally be starting a quest to kill god
We really need to start being honest about the fact that certain sections of news media are actively pushing for another Trump Presidency because it suits their bottom line of "Journalism, Red In Tooth and Claw"
Bottom line is until media are willing to grapple with trumps fascist takeover instead of concern scolding corporatist democrats, this country is proper fucked m8
Dawntrail has done me a rudeness, all i want is TACOS now Perilously balanced piles of roasted pork
I was dinking around replaying Endwalker MSQ in New Game Plus, but I stopped around the middle of Elpis, cuz unconsciously my brain wanted something like a completed True Pacifist file of Undertale you leave alone forever. One point in time where the Unsundered World still exists, to remember.
The first ordeal is waiting for the FFXIV expac to drop. The second ordeal is waiting for friends to finish MSQ so you can finally yell about plot with them.
I finished up Dawntrail MSQ just to get on the hellsite and see that the new Trigun reboot's next phase, Trigun Stargaze is on the way and I have some extremely dubious thoughts given how I felt about Stampede
you might be old if you find yourself rocking out to the music being played at the local chain store grocery
seeing furries & smut online is like seeing bees outside, it’s a sign of a healthy ecosystem, and when they go away it means something Bad is happening
I'm just really really tired of "Good has to be PERFECT all the time, but Bad can be as mediocre as it pleases, as long as it hates the right people."
There's no prizes awarded for "Most Ethically Uncompromised Corpse."
Draw Spongebob from memory? I am legitimately surprised by how many details are permanently installed in my memory. Like, even the little ambient hibiscus blooms in the background
if you see this, (1) grab scrap paper (post-it, envelope, etc) and writing implement (2) draw a garfield or a spongebob or both (do not look them up) (3) share if you wanna!!!
The ideal way to exorcise my childhood fears is by making a Lego display of the scene that haunted my nightmares from age 4 to age 12
yes. YES.
Is "Cake By The Ocean" on the list of "Music that Makes White Folks Go Nuts?" Cuz I can vouch as a case study