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I'm a writer, and artist, a work in progress. Scottish, Irish, Swedish. Gen-X. When I'm not writing I quilt. No, I won't mend your clothes, but I will stitch your wounds. (she/her)
Avatar Hey, a thought comes to mind as I'm slowly catching the Emmy nominations, has your show gone to air yet?
Birdsong, that's what was missing from the first couple of hours of my morning. Now everything feels right in the world.
It's been a very quiet morning, well, everywhere this morning. I'm going to try and enjoy.
First thought I had with this Biden/Supreme Court news is they brought this on themselves. The open cravenness of this court and their "what can you do" attitude toward ethics brought about the fuck around and find out. I'm all here for it.
Please, oh please, oh please. Yes.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Feels like it should be much later in the day than it is. Is it just me?
I really wish my brain would be nicer to me when I try to go to bed. It's either a marathon of ideas I need to sort out, RIGHT NOW. Or it's decided I'm a garbage human being. Last night was the later.
Oh look, still more pages from previous versions of this story I have to integrate. Joy. I miss the days when I was a more linear writer.
Okay, I'm going to say it. The events of this morning, make me see the events of Saturday in a whole new light.
It is a fact universally known that any project put away in a box long enough will grow beyond your memory of it. That small, toss away project you remember is actually a king sized quilt. 🙄
Well I started this Monday morning wasting a cup of coffee to the half and half that curdled in the fridge overnight.
Thought I’d share a little of my garden, from about a month ago.
Okay, here's a new topic. Talk me out of doing the 23 and me ancestry thingy. Someone. Please. Tell me it wouldn't help answer some family questions I've had.
Yeah, my cynical little mind is running in too many directions right now. I think I'll keep thoughts to myself for a while.
Reposted byAvatar Cynthia
Use the good stuff. Get out the good art supplies. Use the good herbs. Wear the nice shirt. If you have it, and you are saving it for some imaginary someday. DO NOT. You are worthy now.
One thing I'll always be a bit salty about is the pandemic took away the bulk candy aisle of my grocery store. I just want to be able to do a pick-a-mix every now and again, is that too much to ask?
I think the people complaining the loudest about Biden are people who don't spend much time with or have older parents. He's fine.
So sad, her story of late has been heartbreaking all the way around. Just a shame the paper of record in her industry reduced this brilliant talent to the men she worked with.
Is it silly, you think, to be preparing for a life you're not yet living, but can see so clearly in your mind?
If anyone ever wondered what life with my parents is like, I just got scolded, by my mom, for helping her do the dishes.
How can it only be 9:20 in the morning? I feel like I've gone through half a day already. Maybe a third cup of coffee will help?
Reposted byAvatar Cynthia
An unnamed House Democrat who wishes Biden would step aside texts Axios and NOTUS: "The dam is holding." To Axios: "As someone who wanted the reckoning and is disappointed that it's over, trust me: it's over." To NOTUS: “They’ve outflanked us with the CBC and others ... It feels closed for now."
Avatar I hope you find a moment to enjoy the day. 🎉🎂🥃 cheers my friend
And as usual, that transcription work I didn't want to do, took less than 45 minutes. I know. I know.
Going through the pages of story notes and I realized most of it is out of date. I just need to type it into the general idea file for this project and recycle the physical paper. Having too many outdated pages floating around the desktop is how I end up writing in circles.
A little bit of history, I'm a news junkie. Have been since forever. Hell, I went to college for a journalism degree. But this political cycle ends all of that. I just can't anymore. Habit isn't completely broken, but nearly.
There are still about 30 pages of old copy of this story that I have to incorporate into the current draft. Somehow. This, this is why I used to write with at least some sort of outline. So I don't have 5 versions of the same scene.
Reposted byAvatar Cynthia
A good reminder. I don't know if Biden's mental state is a serious cause for concern or not, but we're seeing *exactly* the same playbook that was used on Clinton, down to the "allies are concerned" articles. And Clinton is *still* doing fine.
This is how they did it last time.
Oh it's getting serious over here folks. I actually opened Scrivener. This means I might, actually, write today.
In case anyone is in doubt why the press are big mad at Biden, here's a good example. Sadly they don't seem to have caught on that the former guy wants to send them to Gitmo.
Who TF cares what pundit say? “You were wrong about 2020. You were wrong about 2022. We were going to get wiped out. Remember the red wave?” Biden says to the reporter in the clip, before unloading another set of races which he says the media falsely predicted.
"Wrong about everything so far": Fired-up Biden blasts reporters for suggesting he can't "We'll see," Biden said when questioned on his ability to continue in the presidential race.