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3D-Vtuber, programmer and teacher. Here to have a good time without expectations

Come join me on Tuesdays and collabs announced here (most Fridays)
My game:
Usually when people talk about elevating feet you want it to be higher than your heart. (Getting them closer helps though) So either you get a second chair to put up your feet or you can lay down to have your heart lower
The problem isn't the tool in itself. The problem lies with the data used In any legal project they would be able to both clear what data they used and not lie about it being AI. As this is just machine learning In this specific case the "filters" is just art stolen from others
Baby didn't give me a chance to raid so go to this sweet goober
Twenty minutes from now I'll be playing through the campaign mode for MechWarrior 5, joined by my fellow mech enthusiasts & ! We're going to avenge our father, maintain our merc company and make a fresh start in a universe of death and hope. ⚡
We liveing
It's terraria day again?! Where did my week go? welp, ehm.. HYPE. Just gonna get some sleep first 🥱
Maybe we should kill together some time 👀
📌 Adding this to my Pokerole pool, ty
In EU it would be. But US just calls it "the right" or something As if it could be a political discussion...
This is Swedens current healthcare system Because of our healthcare workers being on a strike to get days off. As in days they are promised already, they want those, but the council is refusing 🫠 But it okay, because it's all EU's fault. They forced workers to not have more than 12 hour shifts 🤡
literally social media companies
Not saying ours is worse than US (at least the issues are the same for everyone) but it was a bummer getting sent home from the ER due to still being able to walk... (Got help the next day when walking stopped functioning correctly)
Couple of my moots just turned into "invalid handle" accounts. Was kinda worried of a ban wave or something 😅
Imma just remind ya'll that humans, while not the smartest, aren't evil They are easily tricked, manipulated and selfish but no one has harm as the goal Fascism grows in miserable places while democracy rises out of kindness, fact btw. Or as the motto goes, "No one fails because they want to"
As my teacher said as response to my friend literally being strangled "Just talk to him"
"Self fulfilling prophecy" I mean most of their arguments for themselves fall apart if they don't have an enemy
Due to most supporters of cults often being uncertain of their own opinions they will feel insecure expressing something they know is wrong This can often be seen in examples of LGBTQ+ chatolics/conservatives. As no human wants to be wrong they instead choose silence This too extends to learning.
The ones who actually speak up is still a small minority. Often the ones in control/gaining of off the agreements that false information creates It's why it's so often the same people speaking all over the country with very few variations as opposed to more open beliefs/opinions
Reposted byAvatar Rox4
Games that have accessibility options are literally the best fucking thing ever -- also just because you need accessibility options in a game doesn't mean you're bad at the game. Don't let anyone shame you for using them. #chronicillness #vtuberswithdisabilities
Killing people. In games then! Anything where I can either go against hordes or just pvp makes me calm. Something about getting to just rage senselessly makes me calm
Question for everyone: What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? I personally enjoy listening to music and sort of stepping out of whatever environment is overwhelming me. Once there and calmed down, I begin to form a plan of action to tackle what's overwhelming me. #qotd #vsky #vtuber
It's terraria day again?! Where did my week go? welp, ehm.. HYPE. Just gonna get some sleep first 🥱
I have realized that some(most) of ya'll don't have democracy and voting for their belief systems... That's weird. Doesn't it kinda defeat the purpose of having open religions?
In hindsight this was not a well written message to skeet right before bed.. Welp, it was a genuine question but imma just leave it alone 😶
I.. Our kid just slept tonight..? I had sleep. SLEEP I wish for this dream to continue 🙏 LET ME STREAM
Reposted byAvatar Rox4
A friendly reminder that you're not selfish for wanting things, nor are you selfish for setting boundaries. You are a just a person, trying to get by, and it's okay to have desires and needs. That doesn't make you spoiled. #vtuber #vsky #vtuberswithdisabilities #positivity #vtubersupport
They are the extinct birds 🪺 How else would they get the 🐛?
Depends a lot on use case. If you're working with someone in the amended part. That's horrid. Separately? Fine, but could cause issues if you ain't careful Alone? Who cares! You do you 😆
I was looking for a new one actually 👀
the xbox pride controller is causing a bunch of incels to have emotional breakdowns on twitter & it makes me love how campy & maximalist the design is even more.
Would be surprised otherwise since I got it directly after 🫠
It was very much proven, although the irregular removal is not possible to be proven. The irregular is very much a thing though, just based on how often it gets reported. It has also been proven that YouTube sometimes adds subscriptions if a channel has enough growth.
Reposted byAvatar Rox4
oh good i fucking love Random Bugs Landing On Me Season. honestly my favorite. absolutely goon to it
Gotta say, trying to make a proper sp move for VCCG while exhausted is taking much longer than I'd like Can't I just like, not be exhausted? That would be nice...