Lauri (Mama of Cats)

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Lauri (Mama of Cats)

Letter Carrier. NALC Union Steward. Hallowe'en Queen.She/her/they
My cats' IG page has more followers than mine. smischmonster_and_demoncat_max
I’m sorry a Republican voter shot at the Republican leader at a Republican rally, and especially that he killed a Republican rally-goer and injured two more. I wish it didn’t happen, and hope nothing like it ever happens again. I just don’t see how non-Republicans could be the ones to solve it.
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
Google Lens says stilt fly or stilt-legged fly. Opinion,
Make a band bready... Pain Halen Queensrye
Make a band bready... BreadStyx Smashing Pumpernickle
If you feel uncomfortable starting a conversation about #GenderIdentity with a #transgender person, you're not alone. Governments and religious officials misrepresent us and call us frightening and dangerous. But we are #human like you. with a #transgender person, you're not alone. Governments and religious officials misrepresent us and call us frightening and dangerous. But we are #human like you. #trans #lgbtq #GenderEducation
Why We Can’t Talk About Transgender People (and Why We Should) - If you feel uncomfortable starting a conversation about #gender or #GenderIdentity with a #transgender person, you're not alone. Our governments and religio...
✨🍫 It's GIVEAWAY time! 🍫✨ Win a chocolate bar of your choice! Open internationally! To enter: 1) Follow us 2) Like, share this post. 3) Comment which chocolate bar you would like to win.
Avatar I thought you would appreciate this little friend who was on one of the boxes on my mail route. I love how the little spikes (?) on the legs show in the shadow.
A common plea against #GenderTransition is that we make sure we know what we're doing. What they really mean is we're not qualified to know ourselves, but other are. And that's bullshit. genderidentitytoday....#GenderTransition is that we make sure we know what we're doing. What they really mean is we're not qualified to know ourselves, but other are. And that's bullshit. genderidentitytoday.... #transgender #lgbtq #GenderIdentityToday
When Am I Qualified to Decide Who I Am? Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with
I'm listening to Visions by on audio, and reading Dating with a Vengeance Demon by Lauretta Hignett. I keep finding myself yelling at main characters in both to just TELL the other person already.
I guess I'll play. At 60, I don't often get selfies that I like.
Looking a bit scruffy at 48. A luxuriant shave is on the books for this weekend.
Hi. I'm a letter carrier! ✉️ 📦 My greatest hits include "I have no idea what's in this box you ordered," "USPS Informed Delivery only shows you that your mail was scanned in Denver," and "yes, I have to deliver your junk mail because they paid us to do so."
Hi. I'm a paleontologist! 🦎🦖 My greatest hits include "no, you just found a rock", "That's not where the eye hole goes", "of course I'll critique the new Barney look" and "seriously, that's only a funny looking rock"
Okay. The people have spoken. For every reskeet this gets, I will post a random picture from my camera roll with no explanation (other than alt text). Let the games begin.
I am fully sick of doctors. My mom was in the hospital with a perfect storm of things: pneumonia, DKA and a GI bleed. So many different docs involved in her stay. So many follow-ups with yet more docs. All in the same system (Banner). So many different opinions. And a definite ageist slant. Argh.
Sadly true
Virgo: You have a knack for self-loathing. Embrace it by spending the day online comparing your real self to the manicured facades of others.
I’m doing my part 🏳️‍⚧️🫡
I just finished What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher and now I need to vague post because I don't want to create a spoiler. Did I completely miss or misinterpret something personal about Alex in What Moves the Dead or was something new introduced in the new book?
I guess I should start taking reservations from the flickers.
Mischa: I'm not at the vet, I'm not at the vet, I'm not at the vet...
The feetz! They are so adorable.