
i’m not a parent so genuinely confused: if you know mention of the nap is going to cause a nuclear meltdown wouldn’t you want to refrain from mentioning it until it’s naptime or is this like an intentional thing so when it’s time for the nap the kid has already gotten the angry out of their system
Having just spent the past couple of days with 2 sets of parents of toddlers, it seems like what sets them off is entirely arbitrary so you just do what you gotta
I just last night watched 2 two year old declare that their favorite food is pizza and then turn their noses up at pizza, one opting instead to eat an entire lemon
When life gives you lemons, WE DON’T WASTE FOOD IN THIS HOUSE.
Sometimes you strategically let them be angry to tire themselves out. But more often we just keep expecting them to find “we’re doing the same thing we do every day at this time of day” to be a reasonable statement and we just never learn.
right bc they’re like bro ive been alive for 600 days time is ridiculous
Naptime is like a full one percent of my lifespan, how dare you take that from me?
When my kids napped, mentioning it didn’t set them off; we were lucky, I guess. The daycare was the best at getting kids to sleep—if you walked in during nap time, all the kids were asleep, precisely on schedule.
peer pressure and the desire to impress adults that aren't your parents
If the parenting leads to meltdowns there's probably something wrong with it
No, especially in context of an outside observer always meaning the child is outside their usual routine and therefore might be having feelings about life the universe and everything.
yes maybe I said it poorly -- it shouldn't be intentional in parenting to lead to a meltdown, not that meltdowns won't happen
not always, kids get upset arbitrarily but a meltdown over a daily occurrence like a nap seems unhealthy from my experience