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Climate concerned and COVID conscious autist with ME/CFS (Long Covid? Feb 2020) raising kids. Mostly bedbound and housebound.
Will figure out how to be a sensitivity reader for romances with ME/CFS/LC rep.
Toronto, Canada
My kid is wandering around singing The Wellerman under her breath.
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Oh... well there goes that book I helped write
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
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Listen to Isabel, this is her expertise.
Most places had a mild enough winter and an early enough spring that, unless the heat dome/drought work in our favor a bit, it could be a rough late summer for mosquito-borne viruses. Good time to be mindful of standing water reduction/larvicide treatment and protective clothing/insect repellent use
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An unspeakable rage simmers within every time I see someone, almost always White, attempt to hamfistedly insist that genocide requires specific percentages otherwise it's sparkling mass murder. The death of a people is not measured through cold numbers, but by their loss of the ability to carry on.
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Hi beautiful people--over here at the Historian's Handbook to Saving the World, we're putting together some directories of historians doing good work on climate. Today I'm looking for any projects focusing on historical responses to climatic change in the *Global South.* Any suggestions?
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If you have not deleted your period tracker apps now would be the time
JD Vance opposes the Biden Admin rule barring law enforcement from having access to your medical records about reproductive health (menstrual cycles, endometriosis, miscarriages, pregnancy, etc.) so that state laws limiting abortion and/or contraception can be enforced against you!
JD Vance, Menstrual Surveillance This Spring HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement...
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Farmworkers, not farmers, often Latino immigrants afraid to complain about unsafe working conditions. Farmers put them in dangerous situations—as in these cases, culling chickens in 100+ degree heat without PPE. And the CDC isn’t offering bird flu vaccines to high risk groups like this.
Farmers are getting infected with bird flu because they are working in 104 degree heat without masks and other PPE. The is why labor justice must be a key part of the solution for both climate change and pandemics.
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If you get covid, test every day after you test negative to catch the rebound. I was neg for days then got a whisper of a pos line. I started avoiding people, and in 18 hours I got sick and turned big positive. Everyone I know who got this variant has rebounded from 3 to 11 days afterwards.
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Oh, and because it will never sit right in my heart the way I occasionally see folks go to bat for their "cool guy" parasocial crush Jack Black: If you're neurodivergent, you should know Jack Black has been a decades-long, issue-denying, critic-blasting, funding supporter of Autism Speaks. Yeah.
Jack Black just cancelled his international tour because a bandmate made the crass joke "Don't miss next time" as he blew out his birthday candle on stage. This provoked shock and outrage. If White liberals spent 10% the energy they do avoiding looking bad to stop bad folks, we wouldn't be here.
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Something I just saw come up in a TikTok: Folks really do fixate on racist systems being driven by "hate" without ever reckoning or even learning about the many ways those systems economically profited the oppressors. Segregation and Jim Crow and White Riots were all VERY profitable to oppressors.
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Protect Black disabled folks pls 💕💸
I was all like “please help me afford to stay on the chemo pills insurance won’t cover so I won’t end up on IV chemo.” So anyway here’s me yesterday. WAY more expensive so if you can spare it please help. Venmo/CashApp TinuWrites
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I don’t like to be indirect. So I’m telling you that I have active cancer and the health care workers refuse to mask. So for the fourth time in a cow I have come home SICK from CHEMOTHERAPY. You can’t tell by looking who is sick. It feels like I’m paying them to kill me. Please wear a mask.
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Also Mayor Adams is 63 years old. Let's say he was 13 when his mom, allegedly told him to put his head in the fridge. That would have been 1973, it was much, much cooler. I am younger than Addams and NYC has materially gotten hotter in my life time, and in his.
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Doug Ford cut Ontario's flood management programs funding in half in his first provincial budget. Since then, he's accrued one of the most environmentally destructive records of any recent Ontario premier. Toronto gets more than a month’s worth of rain in a few hours amid rainfall warning
Toronto gets more than a month's worth of rain in a few hours amid rainfall Toronto and parts of the GTA are under a rainfall warning, with Environment Canada calling for "extremely heavy rain."
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they called like two pharmacies, and gave up. CVS now makes you leave a voicemail when you call. My voice is beginning to go because, again, I HAVE COVID. I am so goddamn upset. Can someone please call pharmacies in the twin cities to see which ones fucking have it in stock?
My pharmacy: "Sorry we don't have Paxlovid here. Do you have another pharmacy you prefer?" Me: "Any of them that have it in the metro? I just need the meds; I don't care where." The pharmacist: *long heavy sigh* Like bro I don't have access to whether or not a pharmacy has it!
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Gonna lose my marbles if I have to keep seeing people--even medical professionals!--claiming a disease that affects *at least* ~7% of the US population, and growing!, is "rare" A high single digit percent rate is nowhere near "rare". Medical professionals: understand your domain area better, please
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It would be a great idea to use your time and energy for supporting your community through something like a support group, though Martha doesn't only advise on those. Take advantage of this opportunity
Whatever the outcome - the process ahead demands that we return to caring for each other, and holding each other up and reconstructing healthy community: our current individual support structures are insufficient for negotiating an era of compounding crises:
The Group Group — What A Shrink
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If I was a cishet white dude, I would simply not jump into the middle of a volatile situation between marginalized people to tell them all they're pathetic.
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White trans person: "You're being transphobic!" Black cis person: "You're being racist!" White cis person: "Aw sweet, a chance to be transphobic AND racist!"
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block this asshole & report
CW: transphobia THIS is what people on this website are supporting right now. THIS is the sort of thing that people are saying *is not* transmisogyny. THIS is what trans women are supposedly “racist” for calling out. For fuck’s sakes LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING SAID TO US before you pick your sides here
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“I’ve had it with the elite,” Vance told his Yale buddy
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I read a study awhile ago that now lives rent free in my head (Can I find a link to the original study rn? No I cannot, lol) #NEISvoid
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a rule of thumb is it's never ok to say or imply that trans women are men. even if they are being shitty. that's not a lever you pull.
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i can also vouch for this. a high school friend hadn't heard of Project 2025 until i told him and was not amused by it, to say the least. admittedly, he's not a Trump guy, but he wasn't gonna vote for Biden until he learned about it.
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
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this is kind of bleak, but it's interesting to be in Kenya and see people discuss police brutality without ever blaming the victims. there isn't a contingent of loud white people saying Black people deserve it. and it's a relief and allows folks to be focused on the true enemy
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Had to explain to a family member today how high Covid transmission is in hospitals and how few mitigations (if any) are in place and they were genuinely appalled. I think people really don't know and are assuming there would be masks if it were necessary.
Suggestions for pressuring the NYT on their anti-trans editorial stance and coverage:
I strongly support people cancelling subs. They can also read and share media criticism (like mine, TransLash, Erin Reed, etc), they can write in to complain even if they've already canceled, they can tell their family and friends and slow down and explain the whole thing to the. Plenty of stuff.