
Maybe cutting the metro desk instead of Megan McArdle's column wasn't such a brilliant move idk
From Dylan Byers of Puck News re: the scale of the Washington Post's business problems.
The thing where if you click a link from social media you are booted onto the home screen if you're not a registered subscriber - maybe it makes sense logically but the results seem bad!
Lack of free articles and unreadable interface don’t help
In general my feeling is that the people at mainstream publications who spend all day writing pro-Trump and anti-Dem stuff do it because they sincerely believe it, not because they are trying to juice ratings
they really do think that if they gin up enough backlash to liberalism that they can get Trump back and we'll RETVRN to the boom times of selling subscriptions to resist libs who thought that the next scoop would be the one to shame Trump out of office
yes and i think something that in particular is bad is that giving genuinely popular conservatives a voice at the paper would maybe be at least a good business decision. instead its all "moderates" who write columns targeted to liberals about why opposing conservatives is actually illiberal and dumb
like if your goal was just making money youd hire someone with a huge built in conservative audience like ben shapiro or joe rogan to write columns for you and not hire like ross douthat or megan mcardle to write the "you think opposing trump is good, but is Biden the REAL authoritarian?"
because the project isn't about making money or about informing their audience or even about robust debate its about using a platform with a big audience of highly educated bourgeois liberals to undermine liberalism. Turns out that's boring and unpopular though!
the myth of David French is that he's proof that conservatism has a heart. in reality, conservatives openly despise him and his role in society is to hoodwink credulous liberals into letting down their guard. so of course he's an nyt opinion columnist