
Using the walker on the magazine cover is not deliberately ableist. And at some point people are going to have to learn discernment and how to view creative media within the context it’s presented. The walker on the cover is to the point of an elderly person no longer being at full faculty.
So, a mobility aid is being used to depict lack of mental acuity and…you don’t see that this is a problem? All disabilities just…rolled into a symbol of all of them?
Lots of people who aren't elderly use walkers. They're using a symbol of "needing help with walking" as a symbol of "unable to function intellectually". That's bullshit.
So, thought experiment: imagine you have a severe injury, or need surgery, such that as part of your recovery you need to use a walker or a rollator for a few months. How comfortable will you be, going out in public with it? Having your friends see you using it? Do you see the problem yet?
Level 2: Now imagine your mobility issues are permanent and you have to use that walker most of the time for the rest of your life. How many of your friends will still be your friends in 2 years? 5? 10? And why do you suppose that is?
Joe Biden doesn't have mobility issues. So what does the walker symbolize? Inability. Dysfunction. Someone who no longer deserves the power and prestige they once had. Sure, there's no reason to think anyone would consider it 'ableist.'
You do realize you daid "it's not deliberately ableist, it's just presenting imagery that is ableist, and doing so on purpose"?
You seem to think "deliberate" matters, and it really doesn't. The fact that you don't understand that means you should shut the fuck up. If someone shoots you in the head accidentally you're still dead.
In all known science, using a walker has had no correlation whatsoever to "being at full faculty."
Ironic how you tried to say the cover isn't ableist yet you proved the point that it is ableist by admitting it represents an elderly person is no longer being at full facility as if needing a mobile aid automatically means they are lesser.
And assuming anyone who does see it as an issue needs to be educated cos they just don't understand 🙄
We know what they're trying to do with that cover, it's not rocket science, just wrong. Plenty of people need to use walkers, are they all not at full faculty?Why malign an entire group of people to malign Biden, who doesn't even use a mobility aid? Maybe it's not us who should learn something here.
It doesn’t matter what the intent is, the image is still ableist. Conversations about whether or not it was “deliberate” only serves to derail the conversation around the ableism of linking a mobility aide to unfitness for leadership.
And conversations about ableism also derail whether the Dems need a new candidate. So there is that.
The word in the post after learn is “discernment.” I literally typed “learn discernment.” Did you miss that part? You can Google that word if you want to learn what it means.
I’ve discerned that your post is pretty darned condescending. So I think my powers of discernment are good enough!
"not deliberately ableist" Bold take.
I hope you know I’m okay with your take 💓🫶🏽🙏🏽