
Very possible we’d be in a much different position today had Biden taken some tips from Kendrick.
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Just before debate prep started! The path was right there!
He needs to replace his whole debate prep team with Kendrick
So…he should just say…there he goes…lying again. Is that the move?
Countering Trump's Gish gallops with a his own Gish gallop of Trump's crimes & divisive attacks undermining our democracy would have been great.
Maybe too many Democratic politicians, including Biden, are addicted to the delusion that Republicans have to be treated like serious, respected colleagues, whose mere presence indicates some important degree of support by Real Americans, and at all times Real Americans must be respected.
How to destroy a malignant narcissist: Laugh at everything they say and respond “That’s a lie and everyone knows it, including you”. Laugh some more.
As said by My Cousin Vinny, "Everything that guy just said is bullshit. Thank you."
Exactly! Nothing else needs to be said.
This is a good angle. Another approach using it might be, "He keeps faking it hoping to make it." Or, "He hasn't done anything really good, so he has to make it up."
The key is to laugh in the face of a malignant narcissist. It destroys them.
From emptywheel - Mehdi Hassan - he nailed the problem with the firehose of lies from Trump and also the 3 steps to counter them. No excuse that Biden's team didn't prep for this.
User Clip: Medhi Hasan describes the Gish Medhi Hasan describes the Gish Gallop
There's only so much one can do when the network hosting the debate has promised to give the pathological liar a platform to lie without any pushback whatsoever.
Why you lyin' like a liar? Ain’t you tired? Tryna cop a feel and it’s probably your daughterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Certified lover boy? Certified insurrectionist!
I heard that by many people before the debate and then Biden chose to soar with an expert mean girl. Fell right into a trap everyone was aware of. Why wasn’t Biden?
Heck, Kendrick would at least have avoided overworking him before the performance. I don't know about flow, but Joe's got the craic.
Why would you be in a different position? Biden is still POTUS If the best running government, with the best economy etc. Elections aren't about debates.