
[Franz von Papen voice] I can easily control this wild lunatic Hitler. let's make him chancellor. it will for sure work out well for me and my beloved Germany
Bombshell in France: Head of Les Républicains, the party of the traditional conservatives who long ruled France, just announced he’d accept a coalition deal with Le Pen’s far-right party. Unprecedented in national French politics. It'd be a huge collapse of the barrier against the RN.
You’re overreacting. Let’s just wait and Vichy what happens.
Magnifique!* *Texted from a bunker in the Maginot Line.
As far as I can tell von Papen was rewarded by the Nazi regime, was mildly embarrassed after the war but never substantively punished, and died an unrepentant fascist in 1969.
Franz von Papen -
yeah and his country was smashed to pieces, lost like 12 million killed and a bunch of territory, and was cut in two for 40 years
Franz got his hair messed up a little.
yeah, though I guess in this case, the Republicans have already pretty much collapsed into irrelevance.
it’s extremely bad but aren’t they down to like 5 voters?
yeah, but that was also true of the Centre Party back in the day
yeah the normalization continues apace. no bueno
unfortunately, a minority of the voting electorate, which is ofc a minority of voting age adults, can and have allowed despots to seize power. they never were popular...they just did the bare minimum and let the power-hungry useful idiots do the rest.
In the Netherlands you could say it in the Dilan Yeșilgös (centre right VVD) voice regarding Geert Wilders
Same bullshit everywhere. I guess it again takes at least tens of millions dead before we remember that fascism should never be an option.
Hey you, I see you, STEALING MY BIT: Reporting you to obscure historical sick burns moderators...