
She won't get the votes because she's not an old, white male.
I mean, Barack Obama won handily twice
In the hierarchy Black men win over White women. My time in the Army says so.
Oh goody, the rest of you can find out what we already knew... The contempt and disrespect they feel for minorities pales in comparison to the bald fury and hatred they hold towards women who contest their perceived right to our bodies and deference. The way they hate us is primal.
If she does replace him, it would be best not to stress that as the reason.
try to negate bad Republicon policies and better the People's lives; deserve to have Trump. Surrender your country to fascists and stop whining. ... 3
people may not like, is absolute suicide. Just tell Trump he won and get it over with. Dumping the winning candidate Trump IS afraid of & knows he cannot beat, with this guy, who did so much in the last 20 years to ...2
And for us all to show Trump, he successfully divided us enough to get rid of the earned candidate, because of a bad day, nonessential debate that is of no consequence, because the vote comes down to one person - one vote; three month's before the election and put in another candidate ...1
At this point I almost hope he does drop out, if Harris wins then I’m happy with that, and if she loses I get to gloat while I leave the country and leave all you chucklefucks to the MAGA death camps. At this point it’s getting hard to feel bad for the doomers